// Use this file as a starting point for your project's .eslintrc. // Copy this file, and add rule overrides as needed. { "extends": "airbnb", "rules": { "no-var": 0, "consistent-return": 0, "no-trailing-spaces": 2, "strict": 0, "no-underscore-dangle": 0, // Things below this line should be resolved "import/newline-after-import": 1, "indent": ["warn", 2], "max-len": 1, "curly": 1, "spaced-comment": 1, "func-names": 1, "prefer-arrow-callback": 0, "object-shorthand": 0, "comma-dangle": 1, "no-shadow": 1, "no-useless-concat": 1, "padded-blocks": 1, "no-param-reassign": 1, "brace-style": 1, "prefer-template": 1, "no-unused-vars": 1, "no-else-return": 1, "object-curly-spacing": 1, "eqeqeq": 1, "vars-on-top": 1, "one-var": 1, "global-require": 1, "camelcase": 1, "no-use-before-define": 1, "block-scoped-var": 1, "radix": 1, "no-plusplus": [1, { "allowForLoopAfterthoughts": true }], "no-mixed-operators": 1, "no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs": 1, "no-tabs": 1, "no-redeclare": 1, "require-yield": 1, "no-undef": 1, "no-lonely-if": 1, "no-throw-literal": 1, "no-loop-func": 1, "new-cap": 1, "guard-for-in": 1, "no-restricted-syntax":1, "no-unused-expressions":1, "no-sequences":1, "no-empty":1, "no-unreachable": 1, "no-multi-spaces": 1, "no-bitwise": 1, "no-continue": 1, "react/jsx-filename-extension": [1, { "extensions": [".js", ".jsx"] }], "react/prop-types": 0, "arrow-body-style": 0, "class-methods-use-this": 0, "linebreak-style": 0 } }