CircleCI is used to run unit tests on Unix env.
/!\ Disclaimer: the datadog/agent-buildimages-circleci-runner image should never be used for anything else than CircleCI tests /!\
This image is now built alongside other images in agent-buildimages repository. Change of Golang version must occur in this repository.
Once you have created a new image by building a new version of agent-buildimages, you can test your modification with the associated invoke task:
invoke -e pipeline.update-buildimages --image-tag v12345678-c0mm1t5
This will update the configuration of circleci and gitlab to use the test version of these images.
Once your test is successful, you can either move the _test_version
from files or invoke
invoke -e pipeline.update-buildimages --image-tag v12345678-c0mm1t5 --no-test-version
If everything is green, get a review and merge the PR.