[buildout] download-cache = /home/plone/dev/download-cache extends = buildout.cfg versions.cfg versions_pinned.cfg parts = project primary chown [versions] [project] recipe = infrae.subversion urls = http://svn.operun.de/svn/konferenz/konferenz.theme/trunk/ konferenz.theme location = parts/project as_eggs = true [primary] recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance user = admin:admin http-address = 8855 effective-user = plone debug-mode = off verbose-security = off zope-conf-additional = PTS_LANGUAGES de eggs = ${buildout:eggs} ${project:eggs} zcml = # This recipe is used to set permissions -- and ownership for root mode installs # For options see http://pypi.python.org/pypi/plone.recipe.command [chown] recipe = plone.recipe.command command = chmod 600 .installed.cfg find ${buildout:directory} -type d -name var -exec chown -R ${primary:effective-user} \{\} \; find ${buildout:eggs-directory} -type d -name LC_MESSAGES -exec chown -R ${primary:effective-user} \{\} \; find ${buildout:directory} -name runzope -exec chown ${primary:effective-user} \{\} \; update-command = ${chown:command} [users] zope = plone