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263 lines (210 loc) · 19.4 KB

File metadata and controls

263 lines (210 loc) · 19.4 KB


enum TransactionType : uint8 {
    Script = 0,
    Create = 1,
    Mint = 2,
    Upgrade = 3,
    Upload = 4,
    Blob = 5,
name type description
type TransactionType Transaction type.
data One of TransactionScript, TransactionCreate, TransactionMint, TransactionUpgrade, or TransactionUpload Transaction data.

Given helper max_gas() returns the maximum gas that the transaction can use. Given helper count_ones() that returns the number of ones in the binary representation of a field. Given helper count_variants() that returns the number of variants in an enum. Given helper sum_variants() that sums all variants of an enum.

Transaction is invalid if:

  • type is not valid TransactionType value
  • inputsCount > MAX_INPUTS
  • outputsCount > MAX_OUTPUTS
  • witnessesCount > MAX_WITNESSES
  • size > MAX_TRANSACTION_SIZE. The size of a transaction is calculated as the sum of the sizes of its static and dynamic parts, as determined by canonical serialization.
  • No inputs are of type InputType.Coin or InputType.Message with input.dataLength == 0
  • More than one output is of type OutputType.Change for any asset ID in the input set
  • More than one output is of type OutputType.Change with identical asset_id fields.
  • Any output is of type OutputType.Change for any asset ID not in the input set
  • More than one input of type InputType.Coin for any Coin ID in the input set
  • More than one input of type InputType.Contract for any Contract ID in the input set
  • More than one input of type InputType.Message for any Message ID in the input set
  • if type != TransactionType.Mint
    • max_gas(tx) > MAX_GAS_PER_TX
    • No policy of type PolicyType.MaxFee is set
    • count_ones(policyTypes) > count_variants(PolicyType)
    • policyTypes > sum_variants(PolicyType)
    • len(policies) > count_ones(policyTypes)

When serializing a transaction, fields are serialized as follows (with inner structs serialized recursively):

  1. uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64: big-endian right-aligned to 8 bytes.
  2. byte[32]: as-is.
  3. byte[]: as-is, with padding zeroes aligned to 8 bytes.

When deserializing a transaction, the reverse is done. If there are insufficient bytes or too many bytes, the transaction is invalid.


enum ReceiptType : uint8 {
    Call = 0,
    Return = 1,
    ReturnData = 2,
    Panic = 3,
    Revert = 4,
    Log = 5,
    LogData = 6,
    Transfer = 7,
    TransferOut = 8,
    ScriptResult = 9,
    MessageOut = 10,
    Mint = 11,
    Burn = 12,
name type description
scriptGasLimit uint64 Gas limits the script execution.
receiptsRoot byte[32] Merkle root of receipts.
scriptLength uint64 Script length, in instructions.
scriptDataLength uint64 Length of script input data, in bytes.
policyTypes uint32 Bitfield of used policy types.
inputsCount uint16 Number of inputs.
outputsCount uint16 Number of outputs.
witnessesCount uint16 Number of witnesses.
script byte[] Script to execute.
scriptData byte[] Script input data (parameters).
policies Policy[] List of policies, sorted by PolicyType.
inputs Input[] List of inputs.
outputs Output[] List of outputs.
witnesses Witness[] List of witnesses.

Given helper len() that returns the number of bytes of a field.

Transaction is invalid if:

  • Any output is of type OutputType.ContractCreated
  • scriptLength > MAX_SCRIPT_LENGTH
  • scriptDataLength > MAX_SCRIPT_DATA_LENGTH
  • scriptLength * 4 != len(script)
  • scriptDataLength != len(scriptData)

Note: when signing a transaction, receiptsRoot is set to zero.

Note: when verifying a predicate or executing a script, receiptsRoot is initialized to zero.

The receipts root receiptsRoot is the root of the binary Merkle tree of receipts. If there are no receipts, its value is set to the root of the empty tree, i.e. 0xe3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855.


name type description
bytecodeWitnessIndex uint16 Witness index of contract bytecode to create.
salt byte[32] Salt.
storageSlotsCount uint64 Number of storage slots to initialize.
policyTypes uint32 Bitfield of used policy types.
inputsCount uint16 Number of inputs.
outputsCount uint16 Number of outputs.
witnessesCount uint16 Number of witnesses.
storageSlots (byte[32], byte[32]])[] List of storage slots to initialize (key, value).
policies Policy[] List of policies.
inputs Input[] List of inputs.
outputs Output[] List of outputs.
witnesses Witness[] List of witnesses.

Transaction is invalid if:

  • Any input is of type InputType.Contract or InputType.Message where input.dataLength > 0
  • Any input uses non-base asset.
  • Any output is of type OutputType.Contract or OutputType.Variable or OutputType.Message
  • Any output is of type OutputType.Change with non-base asset_id
  • It does not have exactly one output of type OutputType.ContractCreated
  •[bytecodeWitnessIndex].dataLength > CONTRACT_MAX_SIZE
  • bytecodeWitnessIndex >= tx.witnessesCount
  • The keys of storageSlots are not in ascending lexicographic order
  • The computed contract ID (see below) is not equal to the contractID of the one OutputType.ContractCreated output
  • storageSlotsCount > MAX_STORAGE_SLOTS
  • The Sparse Merkle tree root of storageSlots is not equal to the stateRoot of the one OutputType.ContractCreated output

Creates a contract with contract ID as computed here.


The transaction is created by the block producer and is not signed. Since it is not usable outside of block creation or execution, all fields must be fully set upon creation without any zeroing. This means that the transaction ID must also include the correct txPointer value, not zeroed out.

name type description
txPointer TXPointer The location of the Mint transaction in the block.
inputContract InputContract The contract UTXO that assets are minted to.
outputContract OutputContract The contract UTXO that assets are being minted to.
mintAmount uint64 The amount of funds minted.
mintAssetId byte[32] The asset IDs corresponding to the minted amount.
gasPrice uint64 The gas price to be used in calculating all fees for transactions on block

Transaction is invalid if:

  • txPointer is zero or doesn't match the block.
  • outputContract.inputIndex is not zero


The Upgrade transaction allows upgrading either consensus parameters or state transition function used by the network to produce future blocks. The Upgrade Purpose type defines the purpose of the upgrade.

The Upgrade transaction is chargeable, and the sender should pay for it. Transaction inputs should contain only base assets.

Only the privileged address from ConsensusParameters can upgrade the network. The privileged address can be either a real account or a predicate.

When the upgrade type is UpgradePurposeType.ConsensusParameters serialized consensus parameters are available in the witnesses and the Upgrade transaction is self-contained because it has all the required information.

When the upgrade type is UpgradePurposeType.StateTransition, the bytecodeRoot field contains the Merkle root of the new bytecode of the state transition function. The bytecode should already be available on the blockchain at the upgrade point; otherwise, the upgrade will fail. The bytecode can be part of the genesis block or can be uploaded via the TransactionUpload transaction.

The block header contains information about which versions of consensus parameters and state transition function are used to produce a block, and the Upgrade transaction defines behavior corresponding to the version. When the block executes the Upgrade transaction, it defines new behavior for either BlockHeader.consensusParametersVersion + 1 or BlockHeader.stateTransitionBytecodeVersion + 1(it depends on the purpose of the upgrade).

When the Upgrade transaction is included in the block, it doesn't affect the current block execution. Since behavior is now defined, the inclusion of the Upgrade transaction allows the production of the next block with a new version. The block producer can still continue to use the previous version and start using a new version later unless the state transition function forbids it.

The behavior is set once per version. It is forbidden to override the behavior of the network. Each behavior should have its own version. The version should grow monotonically without jumps.

The BlockHeader.consensusParametersVersion and BlockHeader.stateTransitionBytecodeVersion are independent and can grow at different speeds.

name type description
upgradePurpose UpgradePurpose The purpose of the upgrade.
policyTypes uint32 Bitfield of used policy types.
inputsCount uint16 Number of inputs.
outputsCount uint16 Number of outputs.
witnessesCount uint16 Number of witnesses.
policies Policy[] List of policies.
inputs Input[] List of inputs.
outputs Output[] List of outputs.
witnesses Witness[] List of witnesses.

Transaction is invalid if:

  • Any input is of type InputType.Contract or InputType.Message where input.dataLength > 0
  • Any input uses non-base asset.
  • Any output is of type OutputType.Contract or OutputType.Variable or OutputType.Message or OutputType.ContractCreated
  • Any output is of type OutputType.Change with non-base asset_id
  • No input where InputType.Message.owner == PRIVILEGED_ADDRESS or InputType.Coint.owner == PRIVILEGED_ADDRESS
  • The UpgradePurpose is invalid


The Upload transaction allows the huge bytecode to be divided into subsections and uploaded slowly to the chain. The Binary Merkle root built on top of subsections is an identifier of the bytecode.

Each transaction uploads a subsection of the code and must contain proof of connection to the root. All subsections should be uploaded sequentially, which allows the concatenation of previously uploaded subsections with new subsection. The bytecode is considered final when the last subsection is uploaded, and future Upload transactions with the same root fields should be rejected.

When the bytecode is completed it can be used to upgrade the network.

The size of each subsection can be arbitrary; the only limit is the maximum number of subsections allowed by the network. The combination of the transaction gas limit and the number of subsections limits the final maximum size of the bytecode.

name type description
root byte[32] The root of the Merkle tree is created over the bytecode.
witnessIndex uint16 The witness index of the subsection of the bytecode.
subsectionIndex uint16 The index of the subsection of the bytecode.
subsectionsNumber uint16 The total number of subsections on which bytecode was divided.
proofSetCount uint16 Number of Merkle nodes in the proof.
policyTypes uint32 Bitfield of used policy types.
inputsCount uint16 Number of inputs.
outputsCount uint16 Number of outputs.
witnessesCount uint16 Number of witnesses.
proofSet byte[32][] The proof set of Merkle nodes to verify the connection of the subsection to the root.
policies Policy[] List of policies.
inputs Input[] List of inputs.
outputs Output[] List of outputs.
witnesses Witness[] List of witnesses.

Transaction is invalid if:

  • Any input is of type InputType.Contract or InputType.Message where input.dataLength > 0
  • Any input uses non-base asset.
  • Any output is of type OutputType.Contract or OutputType.Variable or OutputType.Message or OutputType.ContractCreated
  • Any output is of type OutputType.Change with non-base asset_id
  • witnessIndex >= tx.witnessesCount
  • subsectionIndex >= subsectionsNumber
  • subsectionsNumber > MAX_BYTECODE_SUBSECTIONS
  • The Binary Merkle tree root calculated from (witnesses[witnessIndex], subsectionIndex, subsectionsNumber, proofSet) is not equal to the root. Root calculation is affected by all fields, so modification of one of them invalidates the proof.


The Blob inserts a simple binary blob in the chain. It's raw immutable data that can be cheaply loaded by the VM and used as instructions or just data. Unlike Create, it doesn't hold any state or balances.

Blobs are content-addressed, i.e. the they are uniquely identified by hash of the data field. Programs running on the VM can load an already-posted blob just by the hash, without having to specify it in contract inputs.

name type description
id byte[32] Blob id, i.e. hash of the data.
witnessIndex uint16 The witness index of the data.
policyTypes uint32 Bitfield of used policy types.
inputsCount uint16 Number of inputs.
outputsCount uint16 Number of outputs.
witnessesCount uint16 Number of witnesses.
policies Policy[] List of policies.
inputs Input[] List of inputs.
outputs Output[] List of outputs.
witnesses Witness[] List of witnesses.

Transaction is invalid if:

  • Any input is of type InputType.Contract or InputType.Message where input.dataLength > 0
  • Any input uses non-base asset.
  • Any output is of type OutputType.Contract or OutputType.Variable or OutputType.Message or OutputType.ContractCreated
  • Any output is of type OutputType.Change with non-base asset_id
  • witnessIndex >= tx.witnessesCount
  • sha256(witnesses[witnessIndex]) != id