This has been tested on Wireshark ver. 4.4.0 and 4.2.0 on Mac and Windows, ver 4.0.6 on Linux.
Create an issue or contact [email protected] with any questions.
- Copy binaries/windows/4.4.0/ja4.dll to your global plugins directory under epan.
C:\Program Files\Wireshark\plugins\4.4\epan\
- Start Wireshark
- For Macs with ARM chips (M1/M2/etc) copy binaries/macos/4.4.0/arm/, for Macs with Intel chips (x86/x64) copy binaries/macos/4.2.0/intel/, to your global plugins directory under epan.
- Start Wireshark
- Copy binaries/linux/4.0.6/ to your global plugins directory under epan.
- Start Wireshark
JA4+ fields are under ja4.*
JA4: tls.handshake.ja4
JA4S: ja4.ja4s
JA4H: ja4.ja4h
JA4L: ja4.ja4l
JA4LS: ja4.ja4ls
JA4X: ja4.ja4x
JA4SSH: ja4.ja4ssh
JA4T: ja4.ja4t
JA4TS: ja4.ja4ts
Add JA4+ to your columns for easy identification and sorting. Go to Preferences...
and add as follows:
Alternatively, they can be added to the preferences by modifiying the user's "preferences" file using a text editor. In the text editor, find the section labeled "User Interface: Columns" and add the following items:
"JA4T", "%Cus:ja4.ja4t:0:R",
"JA4TS", "%Cus:ja4.ja4ts:0:R",
"JA4", "%Cus:tls.handshake.ja4:0:R",
"JA4S", "%Cus:ja4.ja4s:0:R",
"JA4H", "%Cus:ja4.ja4h:0:R",
"JA4L", "%Cus:ja4.ja4l:0:R",
"JA4LS", "%Cus:ja4.ja4ls:0:R",
"JA4X", "%Cus:ja4.ja4x:0:R",
"JA4SSH", "%Cus:ja4.ja4ssh:0:R"
The preference file is located in the following locations:
See Licensing under repo root.