This is a Proof of Concept (PoC) implementation of an autoconfiguration setup to be used with ARTEMIS. ## Setup architecture ``` ---------------- ------------- ------------- | ExaBGP Monitor | | MONITOR AS | | CLIENT AS | | AS65001 | eBGP | AS65003 | eBGP | AS65004 | | exa | ------ | r03 (goBGP) | ------ | r04 (goBGP) | | | | | | | ---------------- ------------- ------------- | ARTEMIS ``` ## Auto-configuration steps 1. AS65004 announces 1K routes. 2. AS65003 sees them and relays them to the exaBGP monitor for auto-configuration. 3. ARTEMIS writes the configuration file automatically. ## How to run 1. In `docker-compose.yaml`, edit volumes to point to the PoC's files: ``` version: '3.4' services: configuration: ... volumes: ... - ./poc_autoconf/configs/artemis/:/etc/artemis/ ... ... fileobserver: ... volumes: ... - ./poc_autoconf/configs/artemis/:/etc/artemis/ ... ``` 2. Run the following command and check the ARTEMIS UI: ``` docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.pocautoconf.yaml up -d ``` After it is up and running, activate ARTEMIS exabgp tap. 3. Connect to `r04` and announce a new prefix: ``` docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.pocmitigatedeaggregate.yaml exec r04 sh gobgp global rib add -a ipv4 ``` 4. Check in the UI that the configuration has been updated. You can repeat this to see a corresponding withdrawal: ``` docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.pocmitigatedeaggregate.yaml exec r04 sh gobgp global rib del -a ipv4 ``` 5. For stress-testing, create 500 routes of the form 192.$i.$j.0/24 and 500 routes of the form 2001:db8:$i:$j::/64 where i in (1 .. 10) and j in (1 .. 100): ``` docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.pocmitigatedeaggregate.yaml exec r04 sh ./ ``` 6. Check in the UI that the configuration has been updated. You can repeat this to see all corresponding withdrawals: ``` docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.pocmitigatedeaggregate.yaml exec r04 sh gobgp global del all -a ipv4 gobgp global del all -a ipv6 ```