- Run the compilescript with: sh compileVLCforiOS.sh
The first time around this will take roughly an hour and take up 7.5GB of free space
If it compiled and ran in your simulator, throw confetti, celebrate or just cheers to that. You got further than a lot of people before you!
If you look at the compilescript you see that VLCKit and Medialibrary are checked out by hash references. These are repositories within the VLC-iOS repo and if you encounter this error chances are you just need to go into the subfolders ImportedSources/MediaLibrarykit or ImportedSources/VLCKit and pull the latest commits then go back and run the script again. It just didn't know the hash because your repository was not up to date
VLC has many dependencies. It can happen that when you initially try to build vlc that some libraries are temporarily unavailable. You have two options:
- either you wait until the library is available again (often the server is just down) and start the script again or
- you try to figure out which file couldn't be downloaded and try to find that resource somewhere else and put in the right place. Looking at the compile scripts helps here :)
Are you sure you opened the workspace? We use cocoapods and it creates a workspace with all the integrated libraries. Chances are you opened the project file.
If you have opened the workspace and still get errors you should check out the Notes section
So you added some code and are ready to contribute your commits but you don't see a way to make a pull request? Soo cough we work with patches and Mailinglists like any good open source project!
You should take a look at this: https://wiki.videolan.org/Sending_Patches_VLC/ but finally send the patch to [email protected].
Also, if you haven't yet, you might want to subscribe to this mailinglist: https://mailman.videolan.org/listinfo/ios
For everything else, check: https://wiki.videolan.org/IOSCompile/ or look here: http://www.videolan.org/support/ For fast replies, IRC is probably the best way. We hang out in the #videolan channel on the freenode network. There is also a web interface: http://webchat.freenode.net/
We're happy to help!