This guide will walk you through how to use Nuxt.js to list products on a page with the Commerce.js SDK.
***** Note *****
- This guide uses v2 of the Commerce.js SDK
The purpose of this guide is to help developers get familiar with using the Commerce.js SDK in conjunction with Nuxt.js. Commerce.js is a powerful eCommerce tool that gives you the ability to build custom eCommerce sites without the trouble of building out a lot of the complex functionality that comes with eCommerce projects. Commerce.js makes it easy for developers of all levels to build a fully customized online store.
- Create a CommerceJS plugin within your Nuxt App
- Render products server-side with Nuxt
- List your products in a Nuxt application
- IDE of your choice
- Commerce.js SDK
- Yarn or npm
- Nuxt.js
- Vuetify
- create-nuxt-app
Basic knowldge of Nuxt.js and JavaScript are required for this guide.
- Nuxt.js
- JavaScript(ES6)
It should be noted that there are two main components, Chec (dashboard) and Commerce.js SDK. Think of Chec as the logic layer, the source of all your customer data, transactions - things of that nature. Think of the SDK as your way to communicate with your data. You'll need to create an account HERE - once logged in, navigate to products. The only product data you need to get started is: Name, Image, Price, Description.
To get started with Nuxt, I recommended checking out their installation guide and using the create-nuxt-app scaffolding tool to quickly spin up your project. Below I will list the options I chose when creating this guide.
// npx: shipped by default since npm v5.2.0
npx create-nuxt-app <project-name>
// Yarn
yarn create nuxt-app <project-name>
Use the Commerce.js SDK to access the Chec API data from your application.
// yarn
yarn add @chec/commerce.js
// npm
npm install --save @chec/commerce.js
4. Create a minimal Nuxt plugin with the Commerce.js SDK
Create a new file in the plugins directory of your Nuxt app called commerce.js
. You will begin this file by importing the Commerce.js SDK at the top of the file, followed by importing Vue
. Next, inject the Commerce.js SDK with your API key into the Vue
instance by setting a new property on the Vue
instance called $commerce
, which will allow you to access the Commerce.js SDK through Vue's instance globally. Once you've done this, all features of Commerce.js will be accessible on your Vue
instance. Don't forget to add your new plugin's path to the plugins property located in the nuxt.config.js
file of your project root so that Nuxt can inject it when building.
// plugins/commerce.js
import Commerce from '@chec/commerce.js'
import Vue from 'vue'
Vue.prototype.$commerce = new Commerce(process.env.COMMERCEJS_API_KEY, true)
// nuxt.config.js
module.exports = {
// ...
css: [],
plugins: ['~/plugins/commerce.js'],
buildModules: [],
// ...
In your newly created store/index.js
file you'll import Vue
so that you can utilize your new plugin that has been injected into the Vue
instance. Once this is done, create your Vuex store's state, which will contain an empty array of products by default. Next, you will create your store's actions, which will contain a special action specific to Nuxt.js - nuxtServerInit(): This action gets called and fills your store with data on the server-side before rendering. This action is asynchronous and will wait for the list of products to be returned from the Commerce.js SDK. Upon returned results, the action will commit the product data by calling the setProducts
mutation and passing
, setting your state's products to the returned products list. The last little piece for the store is to write a getter that simply returns the state's list of products when called from your component.
// store/index.js
import Vue from 'vue'
export const state = () => ({
products: []
export const actions = {
async nuxtServerInit({ commit }) {
const products = await Vue.prototype.$commerce.products.list()
// Pass
export const mutations = {
setProducts(state, payload) {
state.products = payload
export const getters = {
products() {
return state.products
The components/CommerceItem.vue
component will be used as a dynamic template to display the data for each item in your products list. First, create your script tag that exports a name
and the props
of your Vue component. Your component's props
will contain a product
object where you will explicitly set it's type and default key/value property pairs. Next, create a basic template that contains some Vuetify components that can be used as a starting point to style and render each individual product's data.
// components/CommerceItem.vue
<v-card max-width="300">
{{ }}
<v-divider class="mb-3"></v-divider>
<v-img :src="" />
<v-divider class="mt-3 mb-1"></v-divider>
<span>${{ product.price.formatted }}</span>
export default {
name: 'CommerceItem',
props: {
product: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({
id: '',
media: null,
name: '',
price: ''
Inside your pages directory should live an index.vue
file, if you used create-nuxt-app then you'll want to delete all the default filler code provided by the CLI. Inside of the component's script tag import the mapState
function, followed by the CommerceItem.vue
component and be sure to add CommerceItem
to the components
property of components/index.vue
Next, we will utilize the ...mapGetters
function inside of the component's computed()
properties, and use the products
getter to return your products in state. Finally, create a simple template that uses Vue's v-for
directive to dynamically render each of your store's products.
// pages/index.vue
<v-layout column justify-center align-center>
<v-flex xs12 sm8 md6>
<template v-for="product in products">
<v-col :key="">
<commerce-item :key="" :product="product" />
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
import CommerceItem from '~/components/CommerceItem'
export default {
components: {
computed: {
...mapGetters({ products: 'products' })
You should now be able to run your Nuxt application and see the products from your store display.
// yarn
yarn dev
npm run dev
Nice work, you've successfully listed your products out using Nuxt.js.
Let's review what we have accommplished in this guide.
- Created a Chec account and added products
- Initialized a Nuxt application
- Injected a simple Vue plugin utilizing Commerce.js SDK
- Created a simple Vuex store and rendered your data server-side using nuxtServerInit()
- Listed your products in your Nuxt application
This guide continues onto (Adding products to a cart with Nuxt.js and Commerce.js) Adding products to cart.
- Nuxt.js - The front-end framework used
- Vuetify - The Vue material component library used
- Yarn - Package manager tool
- ElijahKotyluk - Github