Adds a "Skype (HTTP)" protocol to the accounts list. Requires libjson-glib. GPLv3 Licenced.
Download latest releases from here
- 1.7 - Fixes 'non-alt login' (failed to get Magic T), improves online presences
- 1.6 - Fixes 'alt login', fixes file transfers, fixes losing admin rights when joining a room
- 1.5 - Adds 'alternative auth' support, adds support for suggested contacts, fixes 'deny' friend requests
- 1.4 - libpurple3.0 support, newer HTTP library which uses less CPU, fix for adding/removing/blocking contacts
- 1.3 - S4B and Bot support, receive contacts, updated status icons, fixed auth requests, auto reconnects, call improvements, tooltips, can remove self from the buddy list, fixes tiny-text pasting
- 1.2.2 - Fixes non-Live logins
- 1.2.1 - Fixes support for Live logins again, fixes setting mood message setting, fixes friend search, hopefully less disconnects
- 1.2 - Adds support for libpurple 2.11.0, allows setting "mood" messages
- 1.1 - Support file transfers, fix for Live logins, fix for other crashes
- 1.0 - Support Live (email address) logins
Before posting an issue, please check
Windows users can download latest builds from here
The plugin requires libjson-glib which is part of the installer exe or can be downloaded from github and copied to the Program Files\Pidgin folder (not the plugins subfolder)
On Fedora you can install package from Fedora's main repository:
sudo dnf install purple-skypeweb pidgin-skypeweb
On CentOS/RHEL you can install package from Fedora's EPEL7 repository:
sudo yum install purple-skypeweb pidgin-skypeweb
On Arch Linux package available in Community repository. Installation is usual:
sudo pacman -S purple-skypeweb
On openSUSE you can install the package using
sudo zypper in pidgin-plugin-skypeweb
Requires devel headers/libs for libpurple and libjson-glib [libglib2.0-dev, libjson-glib-dev and libpurple-dev]
git clone git://
cd skype4pidgin/skypeweb
sudo make install
Requires devel headers/libs for libpurple and json-glib, gcc compiler and rpmbuild tool
sudo yum install rpm-build gcc json-glib-devel libpurple-devel zlib-devel make automake glib2-devel spectool -y
wget -O ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/purple-skypeweb.spec
spectool --all --get-files ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/purple-skypeweb.spec --directory ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/purple-skypeweb.spec
The result can be found in ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/`uname -m`/
Requires devel headers/libs for libpurple and json-glib, gcc compiler and cmake
sudo apt-get install libpurple-dev libjson-glib-dev cmake gcc
git clone git://
cd skype4pidgin/skypeweb
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
To install do:
sudo dpkg -i skypeweb-1.2.2-Linux.deb
AUR Package Site First you will need to get the build deps unless you already have them
sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel
Next, clone the package's AUR git repo
git clone
Finally, build and install
cd purple-skypeweb-git
makepkg -sri
For more information about the Arch User Repository and how installs work, documentation can be found on the ArchWiki AUR Page
The magical tripplet (who ported the Steam prpl to Adium) has ported SkypeWeb to Adium too. Releases for this are at
I (Eion) normally hang out on Freenode in #pidgin (irc:// or you can Skype me (skype:bigbrownchunx) directly or send me an email or open an issue if you prefer. I'm always happy to hear from you :)
Did this plugin make your life happier? Send me $1 to say thanks!