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iCraft Editor - Help you easily create excellent 3D architecture diagrams
The fast Rust-based web bundler with webpack-compatible API 🦀️
文字转图片应用。适合微信公众号长图推文以及小红书、Instagram 等图片社交媒体贴文制作
Optimized implementation for color-icon-matrix barcodes
An open-source RAG-based tool for chatting with your documents.
智能视频多语言AI配音/翻译工具 - Linly-Dubbing — “AI赋能,语言无界”
A text search engine that supports mixed Chinese and English fuzzy search.
real time face swap and one-click video deepfake with only a single image
🎉 performant confetti animation in the browser
Some interesting AI-generated showcase pages
Use any web browser or WebView as GUI, with your preferred language in the backend and modern web technologies in the frontend, all in a lightweight portable library.
一个生成前端页面和组件代码的神器,支持Chakra UI 、ShadcnUI ,支持本地大模型、可对话不断调整效果,直到获得满意的效果
A concise API for exploratory data visualization implementing a layered grammar of graphics
[NeurIPS 2024] Unique3D: High-Quality and Efficient 3D Mesh Generation from a Single Image
A cross-platform(Win / MacOS) BiliBili Video downloader | 一款基于 Flutter 开发的桌面端 B 站视频下载器
Speech-to-text, text-to-speech, speaker diarization, and VAD using next-gen Kaldi with onnxruntime without Internet connection. Support embedded systems, Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi, RISC-V, x86_64 …
OpenAI 接口接入适配,支持千帆大模型平台、讯飞星火大模型、腾讯混元以及MiniMax、Deep-Seek,等兼容OpenAI接口,仅单可执行文件,配置超级简单,一键部署,开箱即用. Seamlessly integrate with OpenAI and compatible APIs using a single executable for quick setup and depl…
二维码组件 - 二维码插件/二维码美化/二维码库/二维码图片/QRCode tool/QRCode WebCompotent/QRCode Beautify
FUE5 is a fan-made project with the goal to see what would Factorio look like and behave in 3D. This project has no affiliation with the official Factorio game.
DeepSeek-V2: A Strong, Economical, and Efficient Mixture-of-Experts Language Model
Fast and consistently responsive apps using a single function call
Prevent display sleep and enable wake lock in any Android or iOS web browser.
Safely serialize JavaScript expressions to a superset of JSON, which includes Dates, BigInts, and more.
Add interactive code snippets to any blog or webpage.