CodegenCS is a Toolkit for doing Code Generation using plain C#.
Before anything else, don't forget to read the Main Project Page to learn the basics (basic idea, basic features, and major components).
This page is only about CodegenCS Source Generator:
Our Source Generator allows running templates on-the-fly during compilation. We abstract the boilerplate and the hard parts of creating a source generator so you can only focus on your templates.
It's possible to render physical files on disk or just render in-memory (no need to add to source-control or put into ignore lists).
Install nuget
to your project<ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include="CodegenCS.SourceGenerator" Version="3.5.2" /> </ItemGroup>
Create a CodegenCS template. Example:
class Template { void Main(ICodegenContext context) { context[$"MyClass1.g.cs"].Write($$""" public class MyClas1 { } """); } }
Add this to your csproj:
<ItemGroup> <CompilerVisibleItemMetadata Include="AdditionalFiles" MetadataName="CodegenCSOutput" /> <AdditionalFiles Include="Template.csx" CodegenCSOutput="Memory" /> <!-- Use "Memory" or "File", where "File" will save the output files to disk --> <!-- you can include as many templates as you want --> </ItemGroup>
If you want to augment on existing classes (using Roslyn Syntax Tree), just inject
like the example below: .void Main(ICodegenContext context, GeneratorExecutionContext generatorContext) { var classes = generatorContext.Compilation.SyntaxTrees .SelectMany(syntaxTree => syntaxTree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes()) .Where(x => x is ClassDeclarationSyntax) .Cast<ClassDeclarationSyntax>() //.Where(c => c.Identifier.ValueText.EndsWith("Controller", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // just an example .ToList(); foreach (var c in classes) { var typeSymbol = generatorContext.Compilation.GetSemanticModel(c.SyntaxTree).GetDeclaredSymbol(c); var fqn = typeSymbol.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormat.FullyQualifiedFormat); if (fqn.StartsWith("global::")) fqn = fqn.Substring("global::".Length); int pos = fqn.LastIndexOf("."); if (pos == -1) continue; var className = fqn.Substring(pos + 1); var ns = fqn.Substring(0, pos); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(className)) continue; context[$"{className}.g.cs"].Write(GenerateClass(ns, className)); } }
See full example here.