🔭 I’m currently working on my carrer in the cyber sec business and studying for a bachelor in cyber sec.Writing TryHackme writeups for a summary for myself and for everyone interested in Tryhackme.
🌱 I’m currently learning a lot of different stuff in CyberSec like TryHackme,looking at different repos.Rented some different VPS to improve in Linux terminal and Docker.
📫 Im planning to add in future some more interesting things into my daily activities like Bug Bounty Hunting and more, buying some Linux and other Basic Books.
⚡ Gonna try to update this README as much as i can :) Added a TryHackMe repo and gonna add my finished rooms over time, how i solved them.
☕ If you wanna support my journey you can buy me a coffee,because everyone knows you need a lot of coffee for IT stuff :).
My Tryhackme Profile