from __future__ import print_function import os import re import sys import json import signal import codecs import logging import datetime import argparse import fileinput from twarc.client import Twarc from twarc.version import version from twarc.json2csv import csv, get_headings, get_row from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_dt if sys.version_info[:2] <= (2, 7): # Python 2 pyv = 2 get_input = raw_input str_type = unicode import ConfigParser as configparser else: # Python 3 pyv = 3 get_input = input str_type = str import configparser log = logging.getLogger("twarc") commands = [ "configure", "dehydrate", "filter", "followers", "friends", "help", "hydrate", "replies", "retweets", "sample", "search", "timeline", "trends", "tweet", "users", "listmembers", "version", ] def main(): parser = get_argparser() args = parser.parse_args() command = args.command query = args.query or "" logging.basicConfig( filename=args.log, level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s", ) # log and stop when process receives SIGINT def stop(signal, frame): log.warn("process received SIGNT, stopping") sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, stop) if command == "version": print("twarc v%s" % version) sys.exit() elif command == "help" or not command: parser.print_help() print("\nPlease use one of the following commands:\n") for cmd in commands: print(" - %s" % cmd) print("\nFor example:\n\n twarc search blacklivesmatter") sys.exit(1) # Don't validate the keys if the command is "configure" if command == "configure" or args.skip_key_validation: validate_keys = False else: validate_keys = True t = Twarc( consumer_key=args.consumer_key, consumer_secret=args.consumer_secret, access_token=args.access_token, access_token_secret=args.access_token_secret, connection_errors=args.connection_errors, http_errors=args.http_errors, config=args.config, profile=args.profile, tweet_mode=args.tweet_mode, protected=args.protected, validate_keys=validate_keys, app_auth=args.app_auth, gnip_auth=args.gnip_auth, ) # calls that return tweets if command == "search": if len(args.lang) > 0: lang = args.lang[0] else: lang = None # if not using a premium endpoint do a standard search if not args.thirtyday and not args.fullarchive and not args.gnip_fullarchive: things = query, since_id=args.since_id, max_id=args.max_id, lang=lang, result_type=args.result_type, geocode=args.geocode, ) else: # parse the dates if given from_date = parse_dt(args.from_date) if args.from_date else None to_date = parse_dt(args.to_date) if args.to_date else None if args.gnip_fullarchive: env = args.gnip_fullarchive product = "gnip_fullarchive" elif args.thirtyday: env = args.thirtyday product = "30day" else: env = args.fullarchive product = "fullarchive" things = t.premium_search( query, product, env, from_date=from_date, to_date=to_date, sandbox=args.sandbox, limit=args.limit, ) elif command == "filter": things = t.filter( track=query, follow=args.follow, locations=args.locations, lang=args.lang ) elif command == "dehydrate": input_iterator = fileinput.FileInput( query, mode="r", openhook=fileinput.hook_compressed, ) things = t.dehydrate(input_iterator) elif command == "hydrate": input_iterator = fileinput.FileInput( query, mode="r", openhook=fileinput.hook_compressed, ) things = t.hydrate(input_iterator) elif command == "tweet": things = [t.tweet(query)] elif command == "sample": things = t.sample() elif command == "timeline": kwargs = {"max_id": args.max_id, "since_id": args.since_id} if re.match("^[0-9]+$", query): kwargs["user_id"] = query elif query: kwargs["screen_name"] = query things = t.timeline(**kwargs) elif command == "retweets": if os.path.isfile(query): iterator = fileinput.FileInput( query, mode="r", openhook=fileinput.hook_compressed, ) things = t.retweets(tweet_ids=iterator) else: things = t.retweets(tweet_ids=query.split(",")) elif command == "users": if os.path.isfile(query): iterator = fileinput.FileInput( query, mode="r", openhook=fileinput.hook_compressed, ) if re.match("^[0-9,]+$", next(open(query))): id_type = "user_id" else: id_type = "screen_name" things = t.user_lookup(ids=iterator, id_type=id_type) elif re.match("^[0-9,]+$", query): things = t.user_lookup(ids=query.split(",")) else: things = t.user_lookup(ids=query.split(","), id_type="screen_name") elif command == "followers": things = t.follower_ids(query) elif command == "friends": things = t.friend_ids(query) elif command == "trends": # lookup woeid for geo-coordinate if appropriate geo = re.match("^([0-9-.]+),([0-9-.]+)$", query) if geo: lat, lon = map(float, geo.groups()) if lat > 180 or lat < -180 or lon > 180 or lon < -180: parser.error("LAT and LONG must be within [-180.0, 180.0]") places = list(t.trends_closest(lat, lon)) if len(places) == 0: parser.error("Couldn't find WOE ID for %s" % query) query = places[0]["woeid"] if not query: things = t.trends_available() else: trends = t.trends_place(query) if trends: things = trends[0]["trends"] elif command == "replies": tweet = t.tweet(query) if not tweet: parser.error("tweet with id %s does not exist" % query) things = t.replies(tweet, args.recursive) elif command == "listmembers": list_parts = re.match("^$", query) if not list_parts: parser.error( "provide the url for the list, e.g.," ) things = t.list_members(, owner_screen_name=list_parts.groups(1) ) elif command == "configure": t.configure() sys.exit() else: parser.print_help() print("\nPlease use one of the following commands:\n") for cmd in commands: print(" - %s" % cmd) print("\nFor example:\n\n twarc search blacklivesmatter") sys.exit(1) # get the output filehandle if args.output: if pyv == 3: fh =, "wb", "utf8") else: fh = open(args.output, "w") else: fh = sys.stdout # optionally create a csv writer csv_writer = None if args.format in ("csv", "csv-excel") and command not in [ "filter", "hydrate", "replies", "retweets", "sample", "search", "timeline", "tweet", ]: parser.error("csv output not available for %s" % command) elif args.format in ("csv", "csv-excel"): csv_writer = csv.writer(fh) csv_writer.writerow(get_headings()) line_count = 0 file_count = 0 for thing in things: # rotate the files if necessary if args.output and args.split and line_count % args.split == 0: file_count += 1 fh =, file_count), "wb", "utf8") if csv_writer: csv_writer = csv.writer(fh) csv_writer.writerow(get_headings()) line_count += 1 # ready to output kind_of = type(thing) if kind_of == str_type: # user or tweet IDs print(thing, file=fh)"archived %s" % thing) elif "id_str" in thing: # tweets and users if args.format == "json": print(json.dumps(thing), file=fh) elif args.format == "csv": csv_writer.writerow(get_row(thing)) elif args.format == "csv-excel": csv_writer.writerow(get_row(thing, excel=True))"archived %s", thing["id_str"]) elif "woeid" in thing: # places print(json.dumps(thing), file=fh) elif "tweet_volume" in thing: # trends print(json.dumps(thing), file=fh) elif "limit" in thing: # rate limits t = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( float(thing["limit"]["timestamp_ms"]) / 1000 ) t = t.isoformat("T") + "Z" log.warning("%s tweets undelivered at %s", thing["limit"]["track"], t) if args.warnings: print(json.dumps(thing), file=fh) elif "warning" in thing: # other warnings log.warning(thing["warning"]["message"]) if args.warnings: print(json.dumps(thing), file=fh) elif "data" in thing: # Labs style JSON schema. print(json.dumps(thing), file=fh) def get_argparser(): """ Get the command line argument parser. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("twarc") parser.add_argument("command", choices=commands) parser.add_argument("query", nargs="?", default=None) parser.add_argument("--log", dest="log", default="twarc.log", help="log file") parser.add_argument("--consumer_key", default=None, help="Twitter API consumer key") parser.add_argument( "--consumer_secret", default=None, help="Twitter API consumer secret" ) parser.add_argument("--access_token", default=None, help="Twitter API access key") parser.add_argument( "--access_token_secret", default=None, help="Twitter API access token secret" ) parser.add_argument( "--config", help="Config file containing Twitter keys and secrets" ) parser.add_argument( "--profile", help="Name of a profile in your configuration file" ) parser.add_argument( "--warnings", action="store_true", help="Include warning messages in output" ) parser.add_argument( "--connection_errors", type=int, default="0", help="Number of connection errors before giving up", ) parser.add_argument( "--http_errors", type=int, default="0", help="Number of http errors before giving up", ) parser.add_argument( "--max_id", dest="max_id", help="maximum tweet id to search for" ) parser.add_argument("--since_id", dest="since_id", help="smallest id to search for") parser.add_argument( "--result_type", dest="result_type", choices=["mixed", "recent", "popular"], default="recent", help="search result type", ) parser.add_argument( "--lang", dest="lang", action="append", default=[], help="limit to ISO 639-1 language code", ), parser.add_argument( "--geocode", dest="geocode", help="limit by latitude,longitude,radius" ) parser.add_argument( "--locations", dest="locations", help="limit filter stream to location(s)" ) parser.add_argument( "--follow", dest="follow", help="limit filter to tweets from given user id(s)" ) parser.add_argument( "--recursive", dest="recursive", action="store_true", help="also fetch replies to replies", ) parser.add_argument( "--tweet_mode", action="store", default="extended", dest="tweet_mode", choices=["compat", "extended"], help="set tweet mode", ) parser.add_argument( "--protected", dest="protected", action="store_true", help="include protected tweets", ) parser.add_argument( "--output", action="store", default=None, dest="output", help="write output to file path", ) parser.add_argument( "--format", action="store", default="json", dest="format", choices=["json", "csv", "csv-excel"], help="set output format", ) parser.add_argument( "--split", action="store", type=int, default=0, help="used with --output to split into numbered files", ) parser.add_argument( "--skip_key_validation", action="store_true", help="skip checking keys are valid on startup", ) parser.add_argument( "--app_auth", action="store_true", default=False, help="run in App Auth mode instead of User Auth", ) parser.add_argument( "--gnip_auth", action="store_true", default=False, help="run in Gnip Auth mode (for enterprise APIs)", ) parser.add_argument( "--30day", action="store", dest="thirtyday", help="environment to use to search 30day premium endpoint", ) parser.add_argument( "--fullarchive", action="store", help="environment to use to search fullarchive premium endpoint", ), parser.add_argument( "--gnip_fullarchive", action="store", help="environment to use to search gnip fullarchive enterprise endpoint", ), parser.add_argument( "--from_date", action="store", default=None, help="limit premium search to date e.g. 2012-05-01 03:04:01", ) parser.add_argument( "--to_date", action="store", default=None, help="limit premium search to date e.g. 2012-05-01 03:04:01", ) parser.add_argument( "--limit", type=int, default=0, help="limit number of tweets returned by Premium API", ) parser.add_argument( "--sandbox", action="store_true", default=False, help="indicate that Premium API endpoint is a sandbox", ) return parser def numbered_filepath(filepath, num): path, ext = os.path.splitext(filepath) return os.path.join("{}-{:0>3}{}".format(path, num, ext))