const fs = require('fs') const RSS = require('rss') const path = require('path') exports.createPages = async ({ actions: { createPage }, graphql, pathPrefix }) => { await makeDatasets(createPage, graphql, pathPrefix) } async function makeDatasets(createPage, graphql, pathPrefix) { const results = await graphql(` query { allMarkdownRemark( sort: { order: DESC, fields: frontmatter___added } ) { nodes { frontmatter { title creators { name email } added published dates { start end } repository subjects tweets url } html parent { ... on File { id name } } } } } `) const datasets = [] for (let dataset of { console.log( const context = { ...dataset.frontmatter, slug:, description: dataset.html } createPage({ path: `/datasets/${context.slug}/`, component: require.resolve(`./src/templates/dataset.js`), context: context }) datasets.push(context) } fs.writeFileSync(`static/data/datasets.json`, JSON.stringify(datasets, null, 2)) writeRss(datasets) } function writeRss(datasets) { const feed = new RSS({ title: `Documenting the Now Tweet Catalog`, description: `A clearinhouse for Twitter datasets`, feed_url: ``, site_url: ``, image_url: ``, }) datasets.forEach(dataset => { const url = `${dataset.slug}/` const description = `${dataset.description}
This dataset is published at ${dataset.url}
` feed.item({ title: dataset.title, date: dataset.addedDate, description: description, url: url, }) }) // write out the podcast url fs.writeFileSync('./static/feed.xml', feed.xml()) }