By default, DTTableViewManager
uses MemoryStorage
- a storage wrapper, representing storage of data models in memory.
has a lot of methods, allowing you to modify storage contents - adding, inserting, removing, replacing, moving, searching items in storage. For a complete list, head on to MemoryStorage documentation.
Setting up diffable datasources is similar to how you would setup them without DTTableViewManager
. The only difference is that instead of creating diffable datasource object using it's initializer, you instead use method provided by DTTableViewManager
dataSource = manager.configureDiffableDataSource { indexPath, model in
You can find working example of multi-section diffable datasources integration here.
More documentation on diffable datasources integration can be found here.
is a storage for a single section, that calculates UI updates using provided differ.
No differ is provided by DTModelStorage
, but you really need to build a thin adapter(5-6 lines of code) between your differ of choice and DTModelStorage
for update calculation. DTModelStorage
provides example of already built adapters for Dwifft, HeckelDiff and Changeset differs.
Setting up this kind of storage is simple:
let storage = SingleSectionEquatableStorage(items: arrayOfPosts, differ: ChangesetDiffer())
storage.setItems(startingItems) = storage
For more specific documentation on this storage, head on to this document.
is designed to work with NSFetchedResultsController
, and automatically animate all changes happening in the database. = CoreDataStorage(fetchedResultsController: controller)
For more information, read documentation on CoreDataStorage.
is a single-section storage for data models from Realm
let results = try! Realm().objects(Dog)
let storage = RealmStorage()
For more details, please read documentation on RealmStorage.
If you are not happy with provided options, you can build custom storage, that fits your needs. You can either subclass any of 5 storages described above, or implement your own. The only requirement is Storage protocol. Additionally, you may implement SupplementaryStorage protocol, that allows storage to implement supplementary models / header-footer models.
For convenience, DTTableViewManager
provides optional access to supplementaryStorage:
Please note, that this accessor works also for any of the 5 storages described above, as well as for any storage, that implements SupplementaryStorage