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File metadata and controls

276 lines (226 loc) · 11.4 KB


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Clears up stack traces to make them much more readable during debugging.

Supports highly customizable color formatting in the following formats:

  • ConsoleColor
    • Only supported with the WriteToConsole method as it directly sets Console.ForegroundColor.
  • ANSI color codes (3-bit or 4-bit)
  • Extended ANSI color codes (32-bit where supported)
  • Unity Rich Text
  • Unity TextMeshPro Rich Text
  • Html (with tags)

Example (Extended ANSI)

stack cleaner comparison


using StackCleaner;
using Color = System.Drawing.Color; // only needed when dealing with Color32Config.

Get StackTrace from Exception

StackTrace stackTrace = StackTraceCleaner.GetStackTrace(exception);

All the following methods also have an overload to print an exception's stack trace and any existing remote stack traces on Mono. Remote stack traces are mainly caused by a context switch in async functions.

Write To Console

StackTraceCleaner cleaner = new StackTraceCleaner(new StackCleanerConfiguration
  ColorFormatting = StackColorFormatType.ExtendedANSIColor,
  IncludeFileData = true,
  IncludeILOffset = true,
  IncludeNamespaces = false,
  Colors = Color32Config.Default

// assume Exception ex was caught

Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine(ex.GetType().Name + " - " + ex.Message);


Write To String

StackTraceCleaner cleaner = new StackTraceCleaner(new StackCleanerConfiguration
  ColorFormatting = StackColorFormatType.None,
  IncludeNamespaces = false

StackTrace stackTrace = /* etc */;
UnityEngine.UI.TextBox textBox = /* etc */;
textBox.text = cleaner.GetString(stackTrace);

Write To File

StackTraceCleaner cleaner = new StackTraceCleaner(new StackCleanerConfiguration
  ColorFormatting = StackColorFormatType.Html,
  IncludeNamespaces = false,
  IncludeSourceData = false,
  HtmlUseClassNames = true

StackTrace stackTrace = /* etc */;
string str = cleaner.WriteToFile(@"C:\error.html", stackTrace, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

Write To Stream

StackTraceCleaner cleaner = new StackTraceCleaner(new StackCleanerConfiguration
  ColorFormatting = StackColorFormatType.Html,
  IncludeNamespaces = false,
  IncludeSourceData = false,
  HtmlUseClassNames = true

StackTrace stackTrace = /* etc */;
NetworkStream stream = /* etc */;

// async variant also available
cleaner.WriteToStream(stream, stackTrace, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

Write To TextWriter

StackTraceCleaner cleaner = new StackTraceCleaner(new StackCleanerConfiguration
  ColorFormatting = StackColorFormatType.UnityRichText,
  IncludeNamespaces = true,
  IncludeSourceData = false,
  HiddenTypes = new Type[]

StackTrace stackTrace = /* etc */;
Stream stream = /* etc */;

// async variant also available
using TextWriter writer = new TextWriter(stream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
cleaner.WriteToTextWriter(stackTrace, writer);



// Default values (see default configuration values below)


public static readonly StackTraceCleaner StackTraceCleaner = new StackTraceCleaner(new StackCleanerConfiguration

/* Format Configuration = default */

  // Determines how colors are added to formatting (if at all), see StackColorFormatType below.
    ColorFormatting = StackColorFormatType.None,

  // Only used for Source Data, determines what format provider is used to translate line numbers and IL offsets to strings.
    Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,

  // Source data includes line number, column number, IL offset, and file name when available.
    IncludeSourceData = true,

  // Appends a warning to the end of the stack trace that lines were removed for visibility.
    WarnForHiddenLines = false,

  // Source data is put on the line after the stack frame declaration.
    PutSourceDataOnNewLine = true,

  // Namespaces are included in the method declaration.
    IncludeNamespaces = true,

  // IL offsets are included in the source data.
    IncludeILOffset = false,

  // Line and column numbers are included in the source data.
    IncludeLineData = true,

  // Relative source file path will be included in the source data.
    IncludeFileData = false,

  // Assembly-qualified name (and path if IncludeFileData is true) will be included in the source data.
    IncludeAssemblyData = false,

  // 'Primitive' types will use their aliases. For example, 'int' instead of 'Int32'.
    UseTypeAliases = false,
  // If ColorFormatting is set to 'Html', use css class names (defined as public constants in the StackTraceCleaner class) instead of style tags.
    HtmlUseClassNames = false,

  // If ColorFormatting is set to 'Html', write an outer <div> with a background color around the output HTML.
    HtmlWriteOuterDiv = false,

  // Types who's methods will be skipped in stack traces.
    HiddenTypes = /* See Below */,

/* Color Configuration */

  // As close as possible to the default Visual Studio C# formatting rules in 4 bit color (System.ConsoleColor)
  // Default value of Colors
    Colors = Color4Config.Default. 
  // The default Visual Studio C# formatting rules
    Colors = Color32Config.Default,

  // Color settings with 4 bit colors, best for Color formatting of ANSIColor or ConsoleColor (or None).
    Colors = new Color4Config
      KeywordColor = ConsoleColor.Green

  // Color settings with 32 bit colors, best for Color formatting of everything else (or None).
    Colors = new Color32Config
    {                            // alpha channel is ignored
      KeywordColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 230, 255, 153)

  // Color settings with 32 bit colors when using UnityEngine (because System.Drawing is not available).
  // This is only available in the .NET Framework 4.6.1 or 4.8.1 and .NET Standard 2.1 builds.
    Colors = new UnityColor32Config
    {                                            // alpha channel is ignored
      KeywordColor = new Color(0.34f, 0.61f, 0.84f, 1f)


enum StackColorFormatType

  • None => No color formatting, just raw text.
  • ConsoleColor => Sets the Console.ForegroundColor for each section. Only applicable when printed to console with WriteToConsole
  • UnityRichText => UnityEngine rich text tags. See more: Unity Rich Text
  • TextMeshProRichText => TextMeshPro rich text tags. See more: Unity Rich Text
  • ANSIColor => ANSI Terminal text formatting codes. See more: Microsft: Virtual Terminal Text Formatting.
  • ExtendedANSIColor => ANSI Terminal text formatting codes. See more: Microsft: Virtual Terminal Extended Color Formatting.
  • Html => Text is colored with <span> tags. Use classes instead of constant CSS styles by setting HtmlUseClassNames to true. The classes are public constants in StackTraceCleaner.
  • ANSIColorNoBright => ANSI Terminal text formatting codes without the bright bit. Discord can display this in an ansi code block.

Custom Color Provider

A UnityColor32Config is already included, but this shows one way you could create a custom color provider. The base properties are stored in Int32 values formatted in ARGB32 converted like shown below:

    int argb = color.a << 24 | color.r << 16 | color.g << 8 | color.b;

    byte a = (byte)(argb >> 24), r = (byte)(argb >> 16), g = (byte)(argb >> 8), b = (byte)argb;

Please note that you can use StackCleaner without referencing UnityEngine.dll as long as you don't access the UnityColor32Config class.

UnityEngine.Color Custom Converter:

using StackCleaner;
using UnityEngine;
using Color = UnityEngine.Color;

internal sealed class UnityColorConfig : ColorConfig
    // intead of new you can also override the base properties to provide the colors as ARGB int32s directly.
    public new Color KeywordColor            { get => FromArgb(base.KeywordColor);            set => base.KeywordColor            = ToArgb(value); }
    public new Color MethodColor             { get => FromArgb(base.MethodColor);             set => base.MethodColor             = ToArgb(value); }
    public new Color PropertyColor           { get => FromArgb(base.PropertyColor);           set => base.PropertyColor           = ToArgb(value); }
    public new Color ParameterColor          { get => FromArgb(base.ParameterColor);          set => base.ParameterColor          = ToArgb(value); }
    public new Color ClassColor              { get => FromArgb(base.ClassColor);              set => base.ClassColor              = ToArgb(value); }
    public new Color StructColor             { get => FromArgb(base.StructColor);             set => base.StructColor             = ToArgb(value); }
    public new Color FlowKeywordColor        { get => FromArgb(base.FlowKeywordColor);        set => base.FlowKeywordColor        = ToArgb(value); }
    public new Color InterfaceColor          { get => FromArgb(base.InterfaceColor);          set => base.InterfaceColor          = ToArgb(value); }
    public new Color GenericParameterColor   { get => FromArgb(base.GenericParameterColor);   set => base.GenericParameterColor   = ToArgb(value); }
    public new Color EnumColor               { get => FromArgb(base.EnumColor);               set => base.EnumColor               = ToArgb(value); }
    public new Color NamespaceColor          { get => FromArgb(base.NamespaceColor);          set => base.NamespaceColor          = ToArgb(value); }
    public new Color PunctuationColor        { get => FromArgb(base.PunctuationColor);        set => base.PunctuationColor        = ToArgb(value); }
    public new Color ExtraDataColor          { get => FromArgb(base.ExtraDataColor);          set => base.ExtraDataColor          = ToArgb(value); }
    public new Color LinesHiddenWarningColor { get => FromArgb(base.LinesHiddenWarningColor); set => base.LinesHiddenWarningColor = ToArgb(value); }
    public new Color HtmlBackgroundColor     { get => FromArgb(base.HtmlBackgroundColor);     set => base.HtmlBackgroundColor     = ToArgb(value); }
    public static Color FromArgb(int value)
        return new Color(
            unchecked((byte)(value >> 16)) / 255f,
            unchecked((byte)(value >> 8))  / 255f,
            unchecked((byte)value)         / 255f,
    public static int ToArgb(Color color)
        return 0xFF << 24 |
               (byte)Math.Min(255, Mathf.RoundToInt(color.r * 255)) << 16 |
               (byte)Math.Min(255, Mathf.RoundToInt(color.g * 255)) << 8  |
               (byte)Math.Min(255, Mathf.RoundToInt(color.b * 255));