Hi, I'm Daniel! Founded in 1986, I'm a software developer at heart, and really love to build stuff. I love it even more if it benefits others. In 2024, I transitioned to the Dark Side by becoming a Scrum Master. A path I'm still following.
Most of the stuff I build in my spare time is available for free. Besides writing consumer applications, I'm also interested in game programming, music, video editing and more. 🥳
- Sparky: A friendly desk companion
- 7D Mad Rogue Kart: My very first game and submission to the 7DRL 2023
- Radia: Radia is a directory listing server on steroids
- g5t.de: The repository for my private website
- kenBuddy: A simple extension to make adding your work hours for kenjo.io easier
- PlattGPT: A pun on the stubbornness and serenity of the inhabitants of Northern Germany - as such, only available in German.
Live version at plattgpt.de - dgMicMute: A program which allows you to mute your microphone on Windows (now integrated in Windows itself, thus obsolete)
- CommonAlertingServer: A small server, that aims to provide a unified REST Api to CAP services around the world. Currently, only DWD warnings are implemented.
- SmallTune: My very first media player I wrote in 2008.