Tested with Python 3.8 and 3.10.
- Working D compiler
If you are on a Windows, macOS or GNU/Linux computer, you can install one with one command:
curl -fsS https://dlang.org/install.sh | bash -s ldc
On other Linux distributions, you can probably find a recent compiler in your package manager (DMD, LDC or GDC, but a quite recent version is needed), and probably DUB, otherwise you can follow the instructions on dub.pm.
Otherwise, just check the D Programming language website to have more detailed instructions.
Just clone this repo and run:
$ python -m pip install .
It will then be installed in your python install and ready to be used!
If you encounter any issue whilst install the python package, please report it in issues, to help make this project better either in code or in documentation.
See example.py to see how to make use of the library.