(short answer) "An application server that efficiently integrates with many languages, many databases, and many messaging buses in a way that is both scalable and fault-tolerant."
(shorter answer) "A rock-solid transaction processing system for flexible software development."
(shortest answer) "A Cloud at the lowest level."
Software developers that do not want to get locked into corporate vendors or frameworks that push for perpetual commercial support or licenses.
CloudI makes software fault-tolerant and scalable, utilizing Erlang, even if the software is legacy source code. CloudI mitigates software development risk (delays or failures) when making software scale in non-Erlang programming languages, or during a conversion of a software system (fully or partially) to the Erlang programming language.
The CloudI API provides a simple set of functions for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) development in any supported language (currently C++/C, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Erlang):
== publish)recv_async
External communication that needs to scale (beyond 10,000 connections) can use an internal CloudI service (implemented in Erlang) which may do processing for one or more external CloudI services (implemented C++/C, Java, PHP, Python, and/or Ruby)
Even if external communication doesn't need to scale, private cloud computing tasks (number crunching) can gain fault-tolerance and internal system scalability within CloudI.
Please see the FAQ for more details.
Erlang >= R16 (erlang/Ubuntu, erlang/macports)
C++ (g++/Ubuntu, libstdcxx/macports)
Java >= 1.5 JDK (default-jdk/Ubuntu, (built-in)/OSX)
Javascript >= 0.8.0 (nodejs/Ubuntu)
- (node.js package)
Perl >= 5.10 (perl/Ubuntu)
Compress::Zlib (cpan)
PHP >= 5.3.6 (php5/Ubuntu)
Python >= 2.7.0 (python+python-dev/Ubuntu, python27/macports)
Ruby >= 1.9.0 (ruby1.9.1/Ubuntu, ruby19/macports)
GNU MP library (libgmp3-dev/Ubuntu, gmp/macports)
boost >= 1.36.0 (libboost-system-dev+libboost-thread-dev+libboost-dev/Ubuntu, boost/macports)
Optional (installed/linked statically, automatically):
ZeroMQ >= 3.x.x or 2.x.x (use the "--with-zeromq" configure flag)
uuid-dev (uuid-dev/Ubuntu)
For configuration options, see FAQ: 3.2 - Installation Options.
sudo make install
Within the installation directory the cloudi script controls CloudI.
To start CloudI:
sudo cloudi start
To stop CloudI:
sudo cloudi stop
See the Quick Start Guide or the API documentation
Integration points:
- CloudI API (See
) - HTTP with
- ZeroMQ with
- Supported databases
- elasticsearch with
- Cassandra with
- CouchDB with
- memcached with
- MySQL with
- PostgreSQL with
- Riak with
- Tokyo Tyrant with
- elasticsearch with
Dynamic configuration uses the CloudI Service API (See src/service_api/README
The default CloudI configuration runs many tests that can be used as
examples of CloudI integration
(see src/cloudi.conf.in
Michael Truog (mjtruog [at] gmail (dot) com)