What looks like a normal pushbutton - until the user tries to click on it.
I wrote this many years ago for a friend. It is basically just a normal pushbutton, except that when the user tries to click on it, it moves out of the way making it practically un-clickable.
I have no idea what anyone would ever want to use such a control in their app, apart from wanting to be extremely annoying to users (and hey - don't we all get like that on occasion?) :)
The button is just a normal button with OnMouseMove
overridden: (m_nJumpDistance
is the distance in pixels to jump once the mouse has moved over the control).
message has also been handled to bounce the focus back to the window that previously had focus, and PreSubclassWindow
has been overridden to allow the removal of the WS_TABSTOP
window style bit. This ensures that the user can't tab to the control.
void CTrickButton::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
CWnd* pParent = GetParent();
if (!pParent) pParent = GetDesktopWindow();
CRect ParentRect; // Parent client area (Parent coords)
ClientToScreen(&point); // Convert point to parent coords
CRect ButtonRect; // Button Dimensions (Parent coords)
CPoint Center = ButtonRect.CenterPoint(); // Center of button (parent coords)
CRect NewButtonRect = ButtonRect; // New position (parent coords)
if (point.x > Center.x) // Mouse is right of center
if (ButtonRect.left > ParentRect.left + ButtonRect.Width() + m_nJumpDistance)
NewButtonRect -= CSize(ButtonRect.right - point.x + m_nJumpDistance, 0);
NewButtonRect += CSize(point.x - ButtonRect.left + m_nJumpDistance, 0);
else if (point.x < Center.x) // Mouse is left of center
if (ButtonRect.right < ParentRect.right - ButtonRect.Width() - m_nJumpDistance)
NewButtonRect += CSize(point.x - ButtonRect.left + m_nJumpDistance, 0);
NewButtonRect -= CSize(ButtonRect.right - point.x + m_nJumpDistance, 0);
if (point.y > Center.y) // Mouse is below center
if (ButtonRect.top > ParentRect.top + ButtonRect.Height() + m_nJumpDistance)
NewButtonRect -= CSize(0, ButtonRect.bottom - point.y + m_nJumpDistance);
NewButtonRect += CSize(0, point.y - ButtonRect.top + m_nJumpDistance);
else if (point.y < Center.y) // Mouse is above center
if (ButtonRect.bottom < ParentRect.bottom - ButtonRect.Height() - m_nJumpDistance)
NewButtonRect += CSize(0, point.y - ButtonRect.top + m_nJumpDistance);
NewButtonRect -= CSize(0, ButtonRect.bottom - point.y + m_nJumpDistance);
CButton::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);
void CTrickButton::OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd)
// Give the focus right back to the window that justn gave it to us
if (pOldWnd!=NULL && ::IsWindow(pOldWnd->GetSafeHwnd()))
void CTrickButton::PreSubclassWindow()
// Ensure that the TabStop style is removed from the control
ModifyStyle(WS_TABSTOP, 0);
31 May 2002 - updated to include removal of WM_TABSTOP
, plus minor cleanup.