TT-MRF is a library for Markov random field inference with Tensor Train decomposition approach. The code is published in support to the following paper:
Putting MRFs on a Tensor Train
Alexander Novikov, Anton Rodomanov, Anton Osokin, Dmitry Vetrov; In Proceedings of The 31st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-2014) [paper] [suppl.] [poster].
Please cite it if you write scientific paper using this code.
In BiBTeX format:
author = {Novikov, Alexander and Rodomanov, Anton and Osokin, Anton and Vetrov, Dmitry},
title = {Putting {MRF}s on a {T}ensor {T}rain},
journal = {Proceedings of The 31st International Conference on Machine Learning},
year = {2014},
Install the TT-Toolbox (just download it and run setup.m
to add everything important to MATLAB path).
Run setup.m
to add required folders to MATLAB path.
If you want to compare with state-of-the-art techniques for computing partition function and marginal distributions, install LibDAI library with the MATLAB support.
If you need access to state-of-the-art MAP-inference routines OR want to be able to load models in OpenGM format, install OpenGM with MATLAB, HDF5, TRW-S and Maxflow support. Example bash input for compiling OpenGM:
cd opengm_folder
We use custom graphical model instance format. You can build problems like this:
% Build 5x4 grid spin glass model with temperature = 2.
Model = generate_spin_glass_model(5, 4, 2);
% Load model in OpenGM format.
Model = load_opengm_model('examples/geosurf.h5');
% Load model in uai format.
Model = load_uai_model('examples/spinglass.uai');
Format details:
Model.libdaiFactors [Cell array] factors of the model in the LibDAI format
Model.numNodes [Number] number of Model variables
Model.modeSizes [Vector 1 x d] sizes of variables (e.g. x_1 is from {1, ..., modeSizes(1)})
Model.description [String] text description
Model.type [String] Type: 'Spin glass', 'OpenGM' or 'UAI'
% Problem specific, spin glass
Model.grid_n [Number] vertical size of spin glass model grid
Model.grid_m [Number] horizontal size of spin glass model grid
Model.temperature [Number]
Model.unaryWeights [Matrix n x m]
Model.unaryType [String] 'number' if all unary weights equals to one number;
'matrix' matrix with unary weights was specified during model generation;
'rand' if weights were generated from uniform distribution
Model.unaryDistr [Vector 1 x 2] unary wights uniform distribution support
(e.g. [-1, 1] means that weights are from U(-1, 1))
Model.edgeWeights [Vector numEdges x 1] all pairwise weights
Model.edgeType [String] 'number' or 'rand', see details in unryType description
Model.edgesDistr [Vector 1 x 2] pairwise weight uniform distribution support
% Build 5x4 grid spin glass model with temperature = 2
% and pairwise weights generated from uniform distribution on [0, 1].
Model = generate_spin_glass_model(5, 4, 2, 'J', 'rand', 'J_distr', [0, 1]);
% Compute logarithm of the partition function using Tensor Train approach
% with rounding precision equals 1e-6.
logZ = compute_log_z(Model, 1e-6);
% Compute logarithm of the partition function using junction tree method from the libDAI library.
[logZ_JT, ~, ~] = dai_jtree(Model.libdaiFactors, { 1 }, '[updates=HUGIN]');
relError = (logZ_JT - logZ) / logZ_JT;
disp(['Computed logarithm of the partition function with relative error ', num2str(relError)])