Feature Selection Based on the Shapley Value (IJCAI 2005)
- Shay B. Cohen, Eytan Ruppin, Gideon Dror
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Feature evaluation and selection with cooperative game theory (Pattern Recognition 2012)
- Xin Sun, Yanheng Liu, Jin Li, Jianqi Zhu, Huiling Chen, Xuejie Liu
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Efficient Nonparametric Statistical Inference on Population Feature Importance Using Shapley Values (ICML 2020)
Interpretable feature subset selection: A Shapley value based approach (Big Data 2020)
- Sandhya Tripathi, N. Hemachandra, Prashant Trivedi
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Game-theoretic Vocabulary Selection via the Shapley Value and Banzhaf Index (NAACL 2021)
- Roma Patel, Marta Garnelo, Ian M. Gemp, Chris Dyer, Yoram Bachrach,
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Joint Shapley values: a measure of joint feature importance (ICLR 2022)