# .NET 5 + Elasticsearch + NEST ![.NET Core](https://github.com/AntonioFalcao/Dotnet5.Elasticsearch/workflows/.NET%20Core/badge.svg?branch=master) This project aims to explore how **NEST** works with **Elasticsearch** in **.NET 5** projects. ## Getting Started After the project clone follow the steps described in the [installing](#installing). > HTTPS > >```bash >git clone https://github.com/AntonioFalcao/Dotnet5.Elasticsearch.git >``` > > SSH > >```bash >git clone [email protected]:AntonioFalcao/Dotnet5.Elasticsearch.git >``` ### Prerequisites * [.NET 5](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/5.0/preview/5.0.0-preview.5-install-instructions.md) - The framework used > To check this functionality: > >```bash >dotnet --version >``` > > For more details > >```bash >dotnet --info >``` * [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) - The container platform used > To check this functionality: > >```bash >docker --version >``` ### Installing With the use of **containerization**, we can practically orchestrate the necessary infrastructure. You will need an **Elastic Search** cluster + **Kibana** , to meet the need for _Search Engine_, so you must run the respective [docker-compose](./.elasticsearch/docker-compose.yml) on your Elasticsearch server. ```bash cd ./.elasticsearch/ docker-compose up -d ``` Is important to say, if occurrence problems with max virtual memory area: ```bash docker logs es01 # abbreviated ERROR: [1] bootstrap checks failed [1]: max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144] ``` It's possible to increase to at least [262144]: ```bash sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 ``` > More details about in this [link](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.5/docker.html#docker-prod-prerequisites) The **Kibana** service will be available in default host `http://localhost:5601`, as defined on compose. ```yaml kib01: image: docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana:7.6.0 container_name: kib01 ports: - 5601:5601 environment: ELASTICSEARCH_URL: http://es01:9200 ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS: http://es01:9200 # abbreviated ``` #### App settings After providing the necessary infrastructure, we need to define the cluster **index** and **nodes** addresses on the [`appsettings`](./src/Dotnet5.Elasticsearch.Client.WebApi/appsettings.json) from the [`Elasticsearch.Client.WebApi`](./src/Dotnet5.Elasticsearch.Client.WebApi) project. ```json5 { "Elasticsearch": { "index": "card", "node1Uri": "", "node2Uri": "", "node3Uri": "" } } ``` And then set the HTTP client host on [`appsettings`](./src/Dotnet5.Elasticsearch.Stressor.WebApi/appsettings.json) from [`Elasticsearch.Stressor.WebApi`](./src/Dotnet5.Elasticsearch.Stressor.WebApi) project. ```json5 { "ElasticsearchClient": { "Url": "http://localhost:5000" } } ``` ## Running The respective [compose](./docker-compose.yml) provide the `client` and `stressor` services: ```bash docker-compose up -d ``` ### Stressor and Client services The **Stressor** service provide resources to request _generate_, _modify_, and _remove_ data from Elasticsearch through the **client** service. Is just run the compose from the app to up both of then in the same network. In this way is possible to use services names on the [appsettings](#app-settings). > The **Client** routing uses the default `http://hostname:port/api/v{version}/controller`, > where **/v1** is Synchronous and **/v2** is Asynchronous. > The **Stressor** routing uses the default `http://hostname:port/controller/action`. To make API calls, you can use the file [./basic-api-call.http](./basic-api-call.http) through extension [REST Client](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=humao.rest-client): ```http request # STRESSOR ### GET http://localhost:6000/stressor/generate?amount=10 ### GET http://localhost:6000/stressor/modify?amount=10 ### GET http://localhost:6000/stressor/exclude?amount=10 ``` ```http request # CLIENT ### GET http://localhost:5000/api/v2/card ### GET http://localhost:5000/api/v2/card/f694491b-bc98-45bc-af97-67f7ac460908 ``` ## Built With ### .NET Stack * [.NET 5](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/) - The base framework used * [ASP.NET 5](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/?view=aspnetcore-3.1) - The web framework used * [AutoMapper](https://automapper.org/) - Library for mapping objects #### Elasticsearch Stack * [Elasticsearch](https://www.elastic.co) - Search Engine used. * [NEST](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/net-api/current/nest.html) - Elasticsearch client for .NET * [Kibana](https://www.elastic.co/pt/kibana) - Elasticsearch visualize and analyze service ## Contributing Available soon! ## Versioning We use [SemVer](http://semver.org/) for versioning. For the versions available, see the [tags on this repository](https://github.com/AntonioFalcao/Dotnet5.Elasticsearch/tags). ## Authors * **Antônio Falcão** - [GitHub](https://github.com/AntonioFalcao) > See also the list of [contributors](https://github.com/AntonioFalcao/Dotnet5.Elasticsearch/graphs/contributors) who participated in this project. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](./LICENSE) file for details ## Acknowledgments * Nothing more, for now.