A HTML embedded event feed for Happening @ Michigan coded with JavaScript.
- Show all events from an user chosen page in Happening @ Michigan.
- Titles link to the page of a specific event when the pop-ups are disabled or trigger pop-ups otherwise.
- Date, location, and additional links of events will be shown.
- Configurable ability to search by keyword, date, type, and tag.
- Configurable ability to click an event and get a pop-up of more detail before going off to Happening.
- Configurable ability to have a different view that every event is wider.
- A link to the user chosen page.
- Find the event page to be fed to the event feed on Happening @ Michigan.
- Copy the URL of the json file (located on the bottom of the left side bar) for that page.
- Open the feedEmbeddedVersion.html file from this repo or use the following code.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.4.1/css/bootstrap-grid.min.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Alanhou1222/[email protected]/feed.css" integrity="sha384-n6sIbikRD+6xHnlwS8FN2PN3i0Jhym1Rq0OPGXUP1HVWsseoplDT0h6LUgKSUQJR" crossorigin="anonymous">
<div id= "happening-feed" class = "happening-feed pop-up search" url = "https://events.umich.edu/week/json?v=2"></div>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Alanhou1222/[email protected]/feed.js" integrity="sha384-VoaFh4MBaleIiYr6CvluZ1HZ436lfSrK4Gdq2KpWmn277QW6M9H4lC0U+2nKHFjh" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
- Replace the url attribute of
<div id = "happening-feed">
with the URL you just copied (default URL is for New Events This Week). - Paste the whole HTML code to where you want the event feed to be.
- Defalt setting for configurable abilities are normal view, pop-up enabled, and search enabled.
- To set the feed to wider view, add "wide" to class list of
<div id = "happening-feed">
. - To disable pop-up, remove "pop-up" from class list of
<div id = "happening-feed">
- To disable search , remove "search" from class list of
<div id = "happening-feed">
- You're all set!
<!-- "New Events This Week" for June 21, 2022 with default setting -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.4.1/css/bootstrap-grid.min.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Alanhou1222/[email protected]/feed.css" integrity="sha384-Aeo1hqs4QQNiYueo1pvhB+X16MCDBnQXeO6ljxevDpFRoIQysEeb7dekiw1oiXqJ" crossorigin="anonymous">
<div id= "happening-feed" class = "happening-feed pop-up search" url = "https://events.umich.edu/week/json?v=2"></div>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Alanhou1222/[email protected]/feed.js" integrity="sha384-SOD+Iyuo8/7KpAJz14+BNud7sFiL8kHuuhF8TVBvBD6FAFrAi4fDfPWwOFvdJyEs" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
If you want to override the default CSS, add another external style sheet reference before <div id="myfeed" url = "https://events.umich.edu/day/json?v=2"></div>
of the embeded html and see the following insrtuctions or refer to the default style sheet.
The default width of the entire feed is 100% of the container the embeded code is placed.
If you want to overide CSS properties of the entire feed, override properties of .happening-feed
If you want to overide CSS properties(color, font-weight, line-height, etc.) of links, override properties of .happening-feed a
If you want to overide CSS properties(border, border-top, etc.) of the loader, override properties of .loader
If you want to overide CSS properties(border, background, etc.) of event containers , override properties of .event
or .event-wide
for wide version.
event amounts in a single row scale with width of the entire feed and cannot be changed through external style sheet.
If you want to overide CSS properties(background-size, height, etc.) of images , override properties of .event-image
or .event-image-wide
for wide version.
If you want to overide CSS properties(padding, etc.) of text areas, override properties of .event-text
or .event-text-wide
for wide version.
If you want to overide CSS properties of titles, override properties of .event h3, .event-wide h3
(margin, line-height, etc.) or .event h3 a, .event-wide h3 a
(font-size, etc.).
If you want to overide CSS properties(font-size, line-height, etc.) of contents(dates and locations), override properties of .event li, .event-wide li
If you want to overide CSS properties of buttons that trigger pop-ups, override properties of .event-modal-button
If you want to overide CSS properties of link to Happening @ Michigan, override properties of .link-to-happening
(border, background, padding, etc.) or .link-to-happening a
(font-size, etc.).
If you want to overide CSS properties(padding, border-radius, font-size, etc.) of page buttons, override properties of .page-button
If you want to overide CSS properties(background-color, etc.) of current page button, override properties of .current-page
If you want to overide CSS properties(background-color, animation-duration, etc.) of the pop-up container, override properties of .feed-modal
If you want to overide CSS properties(background-color, width, height, etc.) of the pop-up content area, override properties of .feed-modal-content
If you want to overide CSS properties(color, etc.) of links in the pop-up, override properties of .feed-modal-content a
If you want to overide CSS properties of the pop-up header (color, background-color, etc.), override properties of .feed-modal-header
If you want to overide CSS properties(color, font-size, etc.) of the pop-up close button, override properties of .feed-modal-close
If you want to overide CSS properties of the pop-up body, override properties of .feed-modal-body
If you want to overide CSS properties of the pop-up main area, override properties of .feed-modal-main
If you want to overide CSS properties(color, etc.) of the pop-up text, override properties of .feed-modal-text
If you want to overide CSS properties(border, padding, border-radius, etc.) of additional information(dates, times, and locations), override properties of .feed-modal ul
If you want to overide CSS properties(font-size, float, etc.) of the link to event page, override properties of #feed-modal-event-link
If you want to overide CSS properties of the pop-up side area, override properties of .feed-modal-side
If you want to overide CSS properties(background-size, min-height, etc.) of the pop-up image, override properties of .feed-modal-image
If you want to overide CSS properties(font-weight, padding, etc.) of the title of related links, override properties of .small-title
If you want to overide CSS properties(font-size, etc.) of related links, override properties of .feed-modal-link
If you want to overide CSS properties(background-image, height, etc.) of the search bar container, override properties of .feed-search
If you want to overide CSS properties(min-height, padding, background, etc.) of the search content area, override properties of .search-content
If you want to overide CSS properties(font-size, line-height, etc.) of the search title, override properties of .search-content h3
If you want to overide CSS properties(color, etc.) of search links, override properties of .search-content a
If you want to overide CSS properties(height, width, border-radius, etc.) of the search input, override properties of .search-input
If you want to overide CSS properties(margin-top, etc.) of the advance search toggle container, override properties of .advance-search-toggle-container
If you want to overide CSS properties(background-color, etc.) of the advance search container, override properties of .advance-search
If you want to overide CSS properties(width, height, etc.) of date search inputs, override properties of .search-date
If you want to overide CSS properties(padding-top, etc.) of types/tags search containers, override properties of .search-container
If you want to overide CSS properties(height, border, padding, etc.) of search checkboxes containers, override properties of .search-checkbox-container
If you want to overide CSS properties(height, border, etc.) of tag search input, override properties of .tag-search-input
If you want to overide CSS properties(padding, etc.) of advance search button container, override properties of .advance-search-button-container
If you want to overide CSS properties(background-color, border, padding, etc.) of advance search submit button, override properties of .advance-search-submit
If you want to overide CSS properties(background-color, border, color, etc.) of advance search clear button, override properties of .advance-search-clear