Make sure you have the latest version of the Xcode command line tools installed:
xcode-select --install
Install fastlane using
[sudo] gem install fastlane -NV
or alternatively using brew cask install fastlane
fastlane release
Release a new version of VLC to the App Store
This action requires the following parameters:
- platform (iOS or tvOS)
This action does the following:
Ensure a clean git status
Clear derived data
Set the version, bump the build number and commit the change
Apply the privateConstants which include the credentials
Install cocoapods dependencies
Build and sign the app
Update the changelog from the NEWS file
Push the version bump
fastlane lint
Check style and conventions
fastlane ci
fastlane screenshots
Take screenshots
fastlane test
Run Tests
This is auto-generated and will be re-generated every time fastlane is run. More information about fastlane can be found on The documentation of fastlane can be found on