This repository has been archived by the owner on May 15, 2020. It is now read-only.
This repository has been archived by the owner on May 15, 2020. It is now read-only.
How to install Pow from scratch #31
first off... awesome work 37Signals, this is really COOL! I just wanted to get this up ASAP, so I did not dig into issues, just quickly read some of the issues folks ran into, and I had already intended to manually install V8, Node, Redis as I'm working thru learning the technologies... ok so I have not double checked my steps. but they should give folks an idea of what needs to be done if they are unsure about what is going on underneath the installation
Uninstalled Ports
Install Homebrew
Install V8
brew install scons
mkdir ~/javascript
cd ~/javascript
svn checkout v8
cd ~/javascript/v8
scons sample=shell
sudo ln -s ~/javascript/v8/shell /usr/local/bin/v8
cd ~/javascript/v8
svn update
scons sample=shell
Install node
I was was going to get the sources and compile, and then thought brew...
brew install node
Install redis
curl -O
tar xzf redis-2.2.4.tar.gz
cd redis-2.2.4
sudo cp src/redis-server /usr/local/bin
sudo cp src/redis-cli /usr/local/bin
Install npm
git clone git://
cd npm
sudo make install
# node cli.js install -g -f
# /usr/local/bin/npm -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm.js
# [email protected] /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm
Uninstall RVM and Install new as update is broken
mv .rvm{,.1}
bash < <(curl -B
rvm --version
# rvm 1.5.3
rvm install 1.9.2
rvm --default 1.9.2
which ruby
gem install rails3
gem install sinatra
gem install sqlite3
gem install json
gem install redis
gem install nokogiri
Install Pow
curl >
edit and comment out these 2 lines
# launchctl unload "$HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/cx.pow.powd.plist"
# launchctl load "$HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/cx.pow.powd.plist"
Git clone resque
cd Workspaces
git clone
cd resque
edit .rvmrc
rvm 1.9.2
bundle install
cd .pow
ln -s /Users/kramerica/Workspaces/resque
cd resque
vi .rvmrc
rvm 1.9.2
cd ~/.pow/resque
reply 'y' to trust
bundle install
Check DNS
edit /etc/resolver/dev ==> add newline after last entry
scutil --dns
resolver #9
domain : dev
nameserver[0] :
port : 20560
Fix pow script to use rvm ruby
edit ~/Library/Application\ Support/Pow/Current/bin/pow
#!/usr/bin/ruby ==> #!/usr/bin/env ruby
Start up Redis
sudo redis-server
Startup Pow
launchctl unload "$HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/cx.pow.powd.plist"
launchctl load "$HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/cx.pow.powd.plist"
Bring up Resque in browser