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Last active June 26, 2024 14:57
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Gulp file for transpiling SASS (`.scss`) to CSS.
This requires node and the following dev dependencies.
`npm install gulp gulp-sass gulp-purgecss sass --save-dev`
Then execute `gulp`
Remember that any file that starts with underscore ('_') is kind of ignored by convention, and no `.css` file is generated.
For example `_variables.scss`.
const { src, dest, watch, series } = require('gulp')
const sass = require('gulp-sass')(require('sass'))
const purgecss = require('gulp-purgecss')
function buildStyles() {
return src('*.scss')
.pipe(purgecss({ content: ['*.html'] })) // This cleans up any unused class or style from SCSS.
function watchTask() {
watch(['*.scss'], buildStyles)
exports.default = series(buildStyles, watchTask)
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