# Inspired by https://github.com/jzagoli/ProstateX2nii. Modified by Prerak Mody |
# This processes this dataset --> https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=61080779#61080779ccf02ddde6884e4ba1ec73d08be362c6 |
# Alternatively, one could also look here --> https://github.com/rcuocolo/PROSTATEx_masks/tree/master/Files/prostate for this dataset (https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=23691656) |
import pdb |
import tqdm # pip install tqdm |
import urllib |
import zipfile |
import nibabel # pip install nibabel |
import pydicom # pip install pydicom |
import skimage |
import traceback |
import subprocess |
import numpy as np |
import urllib.request |
import skimage.transform |
from pathlib import Path |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
DIR_MAIN = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() |
DIRNAME_RAW = 'raw' |
DIRNAME_PROCESSED = 'processed' |
DIRNAME_PROCESSED2 = 'processed2' |
DIRNAME_TMP = '_tmp' |
EXT_ZIP = '.zip' |
EXT_NII = '.nii' |
EXT_NRRD = '.nrrd' |
FOLDERNAME_MRI = '{}_mri{}' |
FOLDERNAME_MASK = '{}_mask{}' |
def read_zip(filepath_zip, filepath_output=None, leave=False): |
# Step 0 - Init |
if Path(filepath_zip).exists(): |
if filepath_output is None: |
filepath_zip_parts = list(Path(filepath_zip).parts) |
filepath_zip_name = filepath_zip_parts[-1].split(EXT_ZIP)[0] |
filepath_zip_parts[-1] = filepath_zip_name |
filepath_output = Path(*filepath_zip_parts) |
zip_fp = zipfile.ZipFile(filepath_zip, 'r') |
zip_fp_members = zip_fp.namelist() |
with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(zip_fp_members), desc=' - [Unzip] ' + str(filepath_zip.parts[-1]), leave=leave) as pbar_zip: |
for member in zip_fp_members: |
zip_fp.extract(member, filepath_output) |
pbar_zip.update(1) |
return filepath_output |
else: |
print (' - [ERROR][utils.read_zip()] Path does not exist: ', filepath_zip) |
return None |
class TCIAClient: |
""" |
- This has now been DEPRECATED for the NBIA-API: https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/display/Public/NBIA+Search+with+Authentication+REST+API+Guide |
- Ref: https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/display/Public/TCIA+Programmatic+Interface+%28REST+API%29+Usage+Guide |
- Ref: https://github.com/TCIA-Community/TCIA-API-SDK/tree/master/tcia-rest-client-python/src |
""" |
GET_IMAGE = "getImage" |
GET_MANUFACTURER_VALUES = "getManufacturerValues" |
GET_MODALITY_VALUES = "getModalityValues" |
GET_COLLECTION_VALUES = "getCollectionValues" |
GET_BODY_PART_VALUES = "getBodyPartValues" |
GET_PATIENT_STUDY = "getPatientStudy" |
GET_SERIES = "getSeries" |
GET_PATIENT = "getPatient" |
GET_SERIES_SIZE = "getSeriesSize" |
CONTENTS_BY_NAME = "ContentsByName" |
def __init__(self, baseUrl, resource): |
self.baseUrl = baseUrl + "/" + resource |
self.STATUS_OK = 200 |
self.DECODER = 'utf-8' |
def execute(self, url, queryParameters={}, verbose=False): |
queryParameters = dict((k, v) for k, v in queryParameters.items() if v) |
queryString = "?%s" % urllib.parse.urlencode(queryParameters) |
requestUrl = url + queryString |
if verbose: |
print (' - [execute()] URL: ', requestUrl) |
request = urllib.request.Request(url=requestUrl, headers={}) |
resp = urllib.request.urlopen(request) |
return resp |
def read_response(self, resp): |
if resp.status == self.STATUS_OK: |
return eval(resp.read().decode(self.DECODER)) |
else: |
return None |
def get_patient(self,collection = None , outputFormat = "json" ): |
serviceUrl = self.baseUrl + "/query/" + self.GET_PATIENT |
queryParameters = {"Collection" : collection , "format" : outputFormat } |
resp = self.execute(serviceUrl , queryParameters) |
return resp |
def get_patient_study(self,collection = None , patientId = None , studyInstanceUid = None , outputFormat = "json" ): |
serviceUrl = self.baseUrl + "/query/" + self.GET_PATIENT_STUDY |
queryParameters = {"Collection" : collection , "PatientID" : patientId , "StudyInstanceUID" : studyInstanceUid , "format" : outputFormat } |
resp = self.execute(serviceUrl , queryParameters) |
return resp |
def get_series(self, collection=None, patientId=None, modality=None, studyInstanceUid=None, seriesInstanceUid=None, outputFormat = "json" ): |
serviceUrl = self.baseUrl + "/query/" + self.GET_SERIES |
queryParameters = {"Collection" : collection, "patientId": patientId, "StudyInstanceUID" : studyInstanceUid, 'SeriesInstanceUID': seriesInstanceUid,"Modality" : modality, "format" : outputFormat } |
resp = self.execute(serviceUrl , queryParameters) |
return resp |
def get_image(self , seriesInstanceUid , downloadPath, zipFileName): |
try: |
serviceUrl = self.baseUrl + "/query/" + self.GET_IMAGE |
queryParameters = { "SeriesInstanceUID" : seriesInstanceUid } |
resp = self.execute(serviceUrl, queryParameters) |
filepath = Path(downloadPath).joinpath(zipFileName) |
data = resp.read() |
with open(filepath, 'wb') as fp: |
fp.write(data) |
tmp = list(Path(filepath).parts) |
tmp[-1] = tmp[-1].split('.zip')[0] |
filepath_output = Path(*tmp) |
read_zip(filepath, filepath_output, leave=False) |
Path(filepath).unlink() |
except: |
traceback.print_exc() |
def download_dcm2niix(DIR_TMP): |
# Ref: https://github.com/rordenlab/dcm2niix/releases/tag/v1.0.20220720 |
try: |
import sys |
path_file = Path(DIR_TMP).joinpath('dcm2niix') |
if sys.platform == 'win32': |
if not Path(path_file).exists(): |
path_zip = Path(DIR_TMP).joinpath('dcm2niix_win.zip') |
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url='https://github.com/rordenlab/dcm2niix/releases/download/v1.0.20220720/dcm2niix_win.zip', filename=str(path_zip)) |
read_zip(path_zip, path_file) |
Path(path_zip).unlink() |
elif sys.platform == 'linux': |
pass |
return Path(path_file).joinpath('dcm2niix.exe') |
except: |
traceback.print_exc() |
pdb.set_trace() |
return None |
def freqhist_bins(array, bins=100): |
""" |
A numpy based function to split the range of pixel values into groups, such that each group has around the same number of pixels |
Ref: https://github.com/AIEMMU/MRI_Prostate/blob/master/Pre%20processing%20Promise12.ipynb |
Ref: https://github.com/fastai/fastai/blob/master/fastai/medical/imaging.py |
""" |
imsd = np.sort(array.flatten()) |
t = np.array([0.001]) |
t = np.append(t, np.arange(bins)/bins+(1/2/bins)) |
t = np.append(t, 0.999) |
t = (len(imsd)*t+0.5).astype(np.int) |
return np.unique(imsd[t]) |
def hist_scaled(array, brks=None, bins=100): |
""" |
Scales a tensor using `freqhist_bins` to values between 0 and 1 |
Ref: https://github.com/AIEMMU/MRI_Prostate/blob/master/Pre%20processing%20Promise12.ipynb |
Ref: https://github.com/fastai/fastai/blob/master/fastai/medical/imaging.py |
""" |
if brks is None: |
brks = freqhist_bins(array, bins=bins) |
ys = np.linspace(0., 1., len(brks)) |
x = array.flatten() |
x = np.interp(x, brks, ys) |
if 0: |
plt.plot(brks, ys, color='blue', label='Non-Normalized', marker='x', markersize=2) |
plt.xlim([0,np.max(array)]) |
brks2 = freqhist_bins(x, bins=bins)*np.max(array) |
ys2 = np.linspace(0., 1., len(brks2)) |
plt.plot(brks2, ys2, color='orange', label='Histogram Equalization') |
plt.legend() |
plt.show() |
array_tmp = np.reshape(x, array.shape) |
array_tmp = np.clip(array_tmp, 0.,1.) |
return array_tmp |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
# Step 0.1 - Init TCIA client |
baseUrl = 'https://services.cancerimagingarchive.net/services/v4' |
resource = 'TCIA' |
collection = 'PROSTATEx' |
client = TCIAClient(baseUrl=baseUrl, resource=resource) |
# Step 0.2 - Init seriesids from https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=61080779#61080779ccf02ddde6884e4ba1ec73d08be362c6 |
seriesids_mask = ['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] |
seriesids_mri = ['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] |
# Step 0.3 - Make folders |
DIR_RAW = Path(DIR_MAIN).joinpath(DIRNAME_RAW) |
DIR_TMP = Path(DIR_MAIN).joinpath(DIRNAME_TMP) |
Path(DIR_RAW).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) |
Path(DIR_PROCESSED).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) |
Path(DIR_PROCESSED2).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) |
Path(DIR_TMP).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) |
# Step 1 - Loop over all seriesids_mask |
if 1: |
print ('') |
with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(seriesids_mask), desc=' - [MASKS]') as pbar_mask: |
for id_, seriesid_mask in enumerate(seriesids_mask): |
try: |
resp_series = client.get_series(collection=collection, seriesInstanceUid=seriesid_mask) |
if resp_series.status == 200: |
obj_series = client.read_response(resp_series) |
if len(obj_series): |
patient_id = obj_series[0]['PatientID'] |
downloadPath = Path(DIR_RAW).joinpath(patient_id) |
Path(downloadPath).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) |
client.get_image(seriesInstanceUid=seriesid_mask, downloadPath=str(downloadPath), zipFileName=FOLDERNAME_MASK.format(patient_id, EXT_ZIP)) |
else: |
print (' - [ERROR] No patient info for seriesid_mask: ', seriesid_mask) |
else: |
print (' - [ERROR] Could not read seriesid_mask: ', seriesid_mask) |
except: |
print (' - [ERROR] Some error with seriesid_mask', seriesid_mask) |
traceback.print_exc() |
pdb.set_trace() |
pbar_mask.update(1) |
# Step 2 - Loop over all seriesids_mri |
if 1: |
print ('') |
with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(seriesids_mri), desc='\n - [MRI]') as pbar_mri: |
for id_, seriesid_mri in enumerate(seriesids_mri): |
try: |
resp_series = client.get_series(collection=collection, seriesInstanceUid=seriesid_mri) |
if resp_series.status == 200: |
obj_series = client.read_response(resp_series) |
if len(obj_series): |
patient_id = obj_series[0]['PatientID'] |
downloadPath = Path(DIR_RAW).joinpath(patient_id) |
Path(downloadPath).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) |
client.get_image(seriesInstanceUid=seriesid_mri, downloadPath=str(downloadPath), zipFileName=FOLDERNAME_MRI.format(patient_id, EXT_ZIP)) |
else: |
print (' - [ERROR] No patient info for seriesid_mri: ', seriesid_mri) |
else: |
print (' - [ERROR] Could not read seriesid_mri: ', seriesid_mri) |
except: |
print (' - [ERROR] Some error with seriesid_mri', seriesid_mri) |
traceback.print_exc() |
pdb.set_trace() |
pbar_mri.update(1) |
# Step 3 - Convert to NIFTI using dcm2niix |
if 1: |
print ('') |
path_dcm2niix = download_dcm2niix(DIR_TMP) |
if path_dcm2niix is not None: |
with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(list(Path(DIR_RAW).glob('*'))), desc=' - [Convert to volume] ') as pbar_convert: |
for path_patient in Path(DIR_RAW).iterdir(): |
if Path(path_patient).is_dir(): |
# Step 3.1 - Init vars |
patient_id = Path(path_patient).parts[-1] |
foldername_mri = FOLDERNAME_MRI.format(patient_id, '') |
path_mri = Path(path_patient).joinpath(foldername_mri) |
foldername_mask = FOLDERNAME_MASK.format(patient_id, '') |
path_masks = list(Path(path_patient).joinpath(foldername_mask).glob('*')) # there should only be 1, but I am still looping over it |
# Step 3.2 - Volumize MRI |
if 1: |
try: |
launch_mri = [str(path_dcm2niix), "-e", "n", "-b", "n", "-v", "0" , "-o", str(path_patient), "-f", foldername_mri, str(path_mri)] |
# e.g. .\dcm2niix.exe -e n -b n -v 0 -o . -f ProstateX-0323_mri .\ProstateX-0323_mri |
_ = subprocess.run(launch_mri, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) |
# parameters for conversion. |
# -e : export as NRRD (y) or MGH (o) instead of NIfTI (y/n/o, default n) |
# -o : output directory (omit to save to input folder) |
# -b : BIDS sidecar (y/n/o [o=only: no NIfTI], default y) |
# -f : filename (%a=antenna (coil) name, %b=basename, %c=comments, %d=description, %e=echo number, %f=folder name, |
except: |
print (' - [ERROR][MRI] patient_id: ', patient_id) |
traceback.print_exc() |
pdb.set_trace() |
# Step 3.3 - Volumize MASK |
if 1: |
try: |
for path_dcm in path_masks: |
# Step 3.3.1 - Read data |
ds_mask = pydicom.dcmread(str(path_dcm)) |
# len(ds_mask.ReferencedSeriesSequence[0].ReferencedInstanceSequence) == len(vol_mri) |
# e.g. --> ds_mask.ReferencedSeriesSequence[0].ReferencedInstanceSequence[0].ReferencedSOPInstanceUID |
# len(ds_mask.PerFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence) == len(vol_mask) |
vol_mask = ds_mask.pixel_array # [D,H,W] |
nii_mri = nibabel.load(str(Path(path_patient).joinpath(FOLDERNAME_MRI.format(patient_id, EXT_NII)))) |
vol_mri = nii_mri.get_fdata() # [H,W,D] e.g. [384,384,19] |
if 1: |
print ('\n - [convert to nifti][mask] pixelspacing: {} | slicespacing: {}'.format( |
ds_mask.SharedFunctionalGroupsSequence[0].PixelMeasuresSequence[0].PixelSpacing |
, ds_mask.SharedFunctionalGroupsSequence[0].PixelMeasuresSequence[0].SliceThickness)) |
print (' - [convert to nifti][vol] pixelspacing: {} | slicespacing: {}'.format(nii_mri.header['pixdim'][1:3], nii_mri.header['pixdim'][3] )) |
# Step 3.3.2 - Downsample segmentation |
if 0: |
end = vol_mask.shape[0] # .shape=[D,H,W] |
step = end // vol_mri.shape[2] |
vol_mask = vol_mask[0:end:step, ...] |
diff = vol_mask.shape[0] - vol_mri.shape[2] |
if diff != 0: |
vol_mask = vol_mask[:-diff, ...] |
if vol_mri.shape != vol_mask.shape: |
# order = 0 is nearest neighbour interpolation |
vol_mask = skimage.transform.resize(vol_mask, vol_mri.shape, preserve_range=True, order=0) |
else: |
idxs = [idx for idx, item in enumerate(ds_mask.PerFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence) if len(ds_mask.PerFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence[idx].DerivationImageSequence)] |
vol_mask = vol_mask[idxs, :, :] |
vol_mask = np.rot90(vol_mask, k=-1, axes=(1, 2)) |
vol_mask = np.swapaxes(vol_mask, 0, 1) |
vol_mask = np.swapaxes(vol_mask, 1, 2) |
assert vol_mask.shape == vol_mri.shape |
# saving segmentations |
niiobj = nibabel.Nifti1Image(vol_mask, nii_mri.affine) |
path_mask = Path(path_patient).joinpath(FOLDERNAME_MASK.format(patient_id, EXT_NII)) |
nibabel.save(niiobj, str(path_mask)) |
except: |
print (' - [ERROR][MASK] patient_id: ', patient_id) |
traceback.print_exc() |
pdb.set_trace() |
pbar_convert.update(1) |
# Step 4 - Do voxel spacing analysis |
if 0: |
spacings = [] |
with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(list(Path(DIR_RAW).glob('*'))), desc=' - [ProstateX Analysis] ') as pbar_analysis: |
for path_patient in Path(DIR_RAW).iterdir(): |
if Path(path_patient).is_dir(): |
patient_id = Path(path_patient).parts[-1] |
path_mask = Path(path_patient).joinpath(FOLDERNAME_MASK.format(patient_id, EXT_NII)) |
path_raw = Path(path_patient).joinpath(FOLDERNAME_MRI.format(patient_id, EXT_NII)) |
nii_mri = nibabel.load(str(path_raw)) |
header_mri = nii_mri.header |
spacing_mri = list(nii_mri.header['pixdim'][1:4]) |
origin_mri = [nii_mri.header['qoffset_x'], nii_mri.header['qoffset_y'], nii_mri.header['qoffset_z'] ] |
# vol_mri = nii_mri.get_fdata() |
spacings.append(spacing_mri) |
pbar_analysis.update(1) |
if len(spacings): |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
spacings = np.array(spacings) |
f,axarr = plt.subplots(1,3) |
axarr[0].hist(spacings[:,0], bins=10); axarr[0].set_title('Voxel Spacing (X)') |
axarr[1].hist(spacings[:,1], bins=10); axarr[1].set_title('Voxel Spacing (Y)') |
axarr[2].hist(spacings[:,2], bins=10); axarr[2].set_title('Voxel Spacing (Z)') |
plt.savefig('prostatex_spacings.png', bbox_inches='tight') |
plt.show() # resmaple every image to [0.5, 0.5, 3] as per this image |
# Step 5 - Do resampling to (0.5, 0.5, 3.0) |
if 1: |
SPACING_NEW = (0.5, 0.5, 3.0) |
import medloader.dataloader.utils as medUtils |
with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(list(Path(DIR_RAW).glob('*'))), desc=' - [ProstateX Analysis] ') as pbar_resample: |
for path_patient in Path(DIR_RAW).iterdir(): |
if Path(path_patient).is_dir(): |
patient_id = Path(path_patient).parts[-1] |
path_mask_raw = Path(path_patient).joinpath(FOLDERNAME_MASK.format(patient_id, EXT_NII)) |
path_img_raw = Path(path_patient).joinpath(FOLDERNAME_MRI.format(patient_id, EXT_NII)) |
if 0: |
path_img_proc = Path(DIR_PROCESSED).joinpath(patient_id, FOLDERNAME_MRI.format(patient_id, EXT_NRRD)) |
path_mask_proc = Path(DIR_PROCESSED).joinpath(patient_id, FOLDERNAME_MASK.format(patient_id, EXT_NRRD)) |
nrrd_img = medUtils.resample_img(path_img=str(path_img_raw), path_new_img=str(path_img_proc), spacing=SPACING_NEW, verbose=True) |
nrrd_mask = medUtils.resample_mask(path_mask=str(path_mask_raw), path_new_mask=str(path_mask_proc), spacing=SPACING_NEW, size=nrrd_img.GetSize(), labels_allowed = [1], verbose=True) |
elif 1: |
path_img_proc = Path(DIR_PROCESSED).joinpath(patient_id, FOLDERNAME_MRI.format(patient_id, EXT_NII)) |
path_mask_proc = Path(DIR_PROCESSED).joinpath(patient_id, FOLDERNAME_MASK.format(patient_id, EXT_NII)) |
import math |
import skimage.transform as skTrans |
img_og = nibabel.load(path_img_raw) |
ratio = [spacing_old / SPACING_NEW[i] for i, spacing_old in enumerate(img_og.header['pixdim'][1:4])] |
size_new = tuple(math.ceil(size_old * ratio[i]) - 1 for i, size_old in enumerate(img_og.header['dim'][1:4])) |
img_og.header['pixdim'][1:4] = SPACING_NEW |
img_resampled = skTrans.resize(img_og.get_fdata(), size_new, order=3, preserve_range=True) |
img_resampled = img_resampled.astype(np.int16) |
niiobj = nibabel.Nifti1Image(img_resampled, img_og.affine, img_og.header) |
Path(path_img_proc).parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) |
nibabel.save(niiobj, str(path_img_proc)) |
mask_og = nibabel.load(path_mask_raw) |
mask_og.header['pixdim'][1:4] = SPACING_NEW |
mask_resampled = skTrans.resize(mask_og.get_fdata(), size_new, order=0, preserve_range=True) # 0 = Nearest Neighbour |
mask_resampled = mask_resampled.astype(np.uint8) |
print (' - [{}] np.unique(mask_resampled): {}'.format(patient_id, np.unique(mask_resampled))) |
niiobj = nibabel.Nifti1Image(mask_resampled, mask_og.affine, mask_og.header) |
Path(path_mask_proc).parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) |
nibabel.save(niiobj, str(path_mask_proc)) |
pbar_resample.update(1) |
# Step 6 - Do image cropping analysis |
if 0: |
""" |
Notes |
- ProstateX-0241 has 31 slices (25 slices=prostate) |
- ProstateX-0198 has 18 slices (11 slices=prostate) |
- Result: (200, 200, 28) --> [100,100, 28] --> [50,50,14] --> [25,25,7] |
""" |
prostate_slice_count = [] |
prostate_voxel_width = [] |
prostate_voxel_breadth = [] |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(list(Path(DIR_PROCESSED).glob('*'))), desc=' - [ProstateX Cropping] ') as pbar_cropping: |
for path_patient in Path(DIR_PROCESSED).iterdir(): |
if Path(path_patient).is_dir(): |
patient_id = Path(path_patient).parts[-1] |
path_mask_proc = Path(path_patient).joinpath(FOLDERNAME_MASK.format(patient_id, EXT_NII)) |
path_img_proc = Path(path_patient).joinpath(FOLDERNAME_MRI.format(patient_id, EXT_NII)) |
# img = nibabel.load(path_img_proc) |
# img_array = img.get_fdata() |
mask = nibabel.load(path_mask_proc) |
mask_array = mask.get_fdata() |
prostate_idxs = np.argwhere(mask_array > 0) |
prostate_slice_count.append(np.max(prostate_idxs[:,2]) - np.min(prostate_idxs[:,2])) |
prostate_voxel_width.append(np.max(prostate_idxs[:,1]) - np.min(prostate_idxs[:,1])) |
prostate_voxel_breadth.append(np.max(prostate_idxs[:,0]) - np.min(prostate_idxs[:,0])) |
print (' - [{}] mask: {} (height,width,breadth of prostate=[{},{},{}])'.format(patient_id, mask_array.shape, prostate_slice_count[-1], prostate_voxel_width[-1], prostate_voxel_breadth[-1])) |
if len(prostate_slice_count): |
f,axarr = plt.subplots(1,4) |
axarr[0].hist(prostate_slice_count, bins=10); axarr[0].set_title('Height') |
axarr[1].hist(prostate_voxel_width, bins=10); axarr[1].set_title('Width') |
axarr[2].hist(prostate_voxel_breadth, bins=10); axarr[2].set_title('Breadth') |
axarr[3].imshow(mask_array[:,:,prostate_slice_count[-1]//2]) |
plt.savefig('prostatex_prostatesize.png', bbox_inches='tight') |
plt.show() |
# Step 7 - Do cropping, padding and save in DIR_PROCESSED2 |
# Highly custom logic, please change values with caution |
if 1: |
VOXELS_X = 100 |
VOXELS_Y = 100 |
mri_maxvals = [] |
with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(list(Path(DIR_PROCESSED).glob('*'))), desc=' - [ProstateX Padding] ') as pbar_cropping: |
for path_patient in Path(DIR_PROCESSED).iterdir(): |
if Path(path_patient).is_dir(): |
# Step 7.1 - Get paths |
patient_id = Path(path_patient).parts[-1] |
path_mask_proc = Path(path_patient).joinpath(FOLDERNAME_MASK.format(patient_id, EXT_NII)) |
path_mri_proc = Path(path_patient).joinpath(FOLDERNAME_MRI.format(patient_id, EXT_NII)) |
# Step 7.1 - Get mask (crop and pad) |
mri = nibabel.load(path_mri_proc) |
mri_array = mri.get_fdata() |
mri_maxval = np.max(mri_array) |
mri_maxvals.append(mri_maxval) |
if 0: |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
f,axarr = plt.subplots(1,2); axarr[0].imshow(mri_array[:,:,18], cmap='gray'); axarr[1].imshow(hist_scaled(mri_array, bins=100)[:,:,18], cmap='gray', vmin=0., vmax=1.); plt.suptitle('Bins=100');plt.show(block=False) |
f,axarr = plt.subplots(1,2); axarr[0].imshow(mri_array[:,:,18], cmap='gray'); axarr[1].imshow(hist_scaled(mri_array, bins=1000)[:,:,18], cmap='gray', vmin=0., vmax=1.); plt.suptitle('Bins=1000');plt.show(block=False) |
f,axarr = plt.subplots(1,2); axarr[0].imshow(mri_array[:,:,18], cmap='gray'); axarr[1].imshow(hist_scaled(mri_array, bins=10000)[:,:,18], cmap='gray', vmin=0., vmax=1.); plt.suptitle('Bins=10000');plt.show(block=False) |
pdb.set_trace() |
mri_array = hist_scaled(mri_array, bins=10000) |
mask = nibabel.load(path_mask_proc) |
mask_array = mask.get_fdata() |
mask_idxs = np.argwhere(mask_array > 0) |
mask_midpt = np.array([np.mean(mask_idxs[:,0]), np.mean(mask_idxs[:,1]), np.mean(mask_idxs[:,2])]).astype(np.uint8).tolist() |
# Step 7.2 - Crop |
mask_array_new = np.array(mask_array[mask_midpt[0] - VOXELS_X:mask_midpt[0] + VOXELS_X, mask_midpt[1] - VOXELS_Y:mask_midpt[1] + VOXELS_Y, :], copy=True) |
mri_array_new = np.array(mri_array[mask_midpt[0] - VOXELS_X:mask_midpt[0] + VOXELS_X, mask_midpt[1] - VOXELS_Y:mask_midpt[1] + VOXELS_Y, :], copy=True) |
# if patient_id == 'ProstateX-0309': |
# pdb.set_trace() |
# Step 7.3 - Pad (in z) |
mask_array_height = mask_array_new.shape[2] |
mask_array_diff = np.abs(mask_array_height - VOXELS_Z_MAX) |
pad_left = mask_array_diff//2 |
pad_right = mask_array_diff-mask_array_diff//2 |
if mask_array_height > VOXELS_Z_MAX: |
mask_array_new = mask_array_new[:,:,pad_left:-pad_right] |
mri_array_new = mri_array_new[:,:,pad_left:-pad_right] |
else: |
if mask_array_diff: |
mask_array_new = np.pad(mask_array_new, (pad_left, pad_right), 'constant') |
mask_array_new = mask_array_new[pad_left:-pad_right, pad_left:-pad_right, :] |
mri_array_new = np.pad(mri_array_new, (pad_left, pad_right), 'constant') |
mri_array_new = mri_array_new[pad_left:-pad_right, pad_left:-pad_right, :] |
print (' - [crop/pad][{}] mask_array: {} || mask_array_new: {}'.format(patient_id, mask_array.shape, mask_array_new.shape)) |
print (' - [crop/pad][{}] mri_array : {} || mri_array_new : {} || maxval: {}'.format(patient_id, mri_array.shape, mri_array_new.shape, mri_maxval)) |
# Step 7.4 - Save to disk |
path_mask_proc2 = Path(DIR_PROCESSED2).joinpath(patient_id, FOLDERNAME_MASK.format(patient_id, EXT_NII)) |
Path(path_mask_proc2).parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) |
niiobj = nibabel.Nifti1Image(mask_array_new, mask.affine, mask.header) |
nibabel.save(niiobj, str(path_mask_proc2)) |
path_mri_proc2 = Path(DIR_PROCESSED2).joinpath(patient_id, FOLDERNAME_MRI.format(patient_id, EXT_NII)) |
Path(path_mri_proc2).parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) |
niiobj = nibabel.Nifti1Image(mri_array_new, mri.affine, mri.header) |
nibabel.save(niiobj, str(path_mri_proc2)) |
if len(mri_maxvals): |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
plt.hist(mri_maxvals) |
plt.title('ProstateX: Max Intensity Vals \n Histogram showing the need for intensity transformations in MRI') |
plt.show() |
pdb.set_trace() |