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Created March 8, 2012 11:01
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foo_ncmpcpp_mod readme
most recent readme:
//This skin really isn't completely ready for a release.
//It is tailored towards my way of tagging files and is made for users.
To install unpack and move folder contents into foobar2000 installation directory.
Also, be sure to delete user_profiles_enabled from said directory.
Open foobar2000 goto 'Preferences>Display/Columns UI/Main'
Click import and import 'foo_ncmpcpp_mod.fcl' from the 'skins/masood_' folder.
Make sure to install the included fonts.
the playcount statistics come from and need to be set up
for those who do not want playcount syncing with
right click on el_playlist goto the main script and change
%LASTFM_PLAYCOUNT_DB% to %play_count% also go into the main splitter
settings (right click on top bar>splitter settings) click on
'Playcount Sync' and check hide at startup
//A note on album art:
All of my album art is saved as 'cover.jpg' inside the folder of its parent
album I use no embedded album art but it should still work correctly.
//A note on tagging:
I tag my music with the featured artist in the artist tag and as such I have
set up the scrobbler to remove anything in the artist tag after and
including 'ft.' I have also set up the skin to work best with this tagging
scheme. If you don't like it it is easy to change but doesn't look as nice and
organized in my opinion.
//Big ugly heart button / [+l] button
one is for loving a track on one is for setting the rating of a file to
5 stars (+l) I keep the one that sets the rating to 5 stars and hide the other as
I have foobar set to automatically love 5 star rated tracks. to hide the button go into the main splitter settings click on 'Playcount Sync'
and check hide at startup (only do this after setting your api key/username)
// radio/scrobbling/playcount sync
api key, username, and password must be entered in the following locations:
Preferences/Tools/ Radio
Preferences/Tools/Soft Playlists
Right-click on heart icon: set username and API key
After setting the info you can right click on the heart again and select
library import to get your play counts from
// artist remap
//must be added to 'Preferences/Tools/Audioscrobbler'
[$if($strstr(%artist%,' ft. '),$substr(%artist%,1,$sub($strstr(%artist%,' ft. '),1)),%artist%)]
//Searchbox Icon:
I have included the searchbox icon that I use in the readme folder
To use it left click on the search icon 'options>custom bitmap'
and select 'search-bri_dark.bmp' from '###README###' folder
//Why can't I drag the window? / Why is there no Titlebar?
Hold down ctrl and alt to drag the window. 'Preferences/Display/Main Window'
will allow you to change this behavior and even add back the
caption/titlebar if you want.
//Window transparency
I forgot how bad transparency can look when not using a dark desktop background.
It can be changed under 'Display/Columns UI' in the main tab under the
Miscellaneous heading.
to hide ugly scrollbars:
rightclick on el_playlist>settings>style tab>scrollbar:hide
//Script Error
Scripting Engine Initialization Failed (Playcount Sync by marc2003, CODE: 0x80020101)
Check the console for more information (Always caused by unexcepted script error).'
The above error can be fixed by going to 'Preferences>Tools>WSH Panel Mod'
and making sure that 'Debug mode' and 'Safe mode' are unchecked.
Middle click actions
file: add to playback queue
volume: toggle mute
seek bar: pause
group: collapse group
Scroll wheel can be used to seek and change volume.
arrow left: previous track
arrow right: next track
Right click on el_playlist to change the grouping or switch playlists.
'[playing]' toggles the playlist switcher (which has a search bar).
'[+l]' rates a song as 5 stars so that it can be autoloved with the script.
'[+m]' sets media player tag to true I use it for an autoplaylist that syncs with my pmp.
'[----]' changes playback order when clicked
//My musik library format
%album artist% = album artist
%album% = album
%discnumber% = disc number <--- only used if multi disk album
%tracknumber% = tracknumber <--- with leading zeroes
%artist% = %album artist% ft. featuring artist(s) <--- comma-delimited
%title% = title (remix information)
//my file hierarchy
..\musik\%albumartist%\%album%\$ifgreater(%discnumber%,1,%discnumber%.,)%tracknumber%. %artist% - %title%
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