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Created February 22, 2012 15:48
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rc-file reading in a shell script
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# An example script that reads a colon separated rc file, given on argv
# Line format expected:
# option: value
# Mind the colon and space separating option name from the value.
# Adjust the parameter expansion as needed if you change the line format.
# - read <var> will read a line at a time.
# - Piping the file name into the while block reads the file into the read call.
# - typeset -A <var> explicitly marks a hash for ZSH.
# declare -A <var> is the same for bash.
# - Fancypants parameter expansion gives us opts[option]=value.
# - Quoting the value allows is to be any valid string, which generally means
# that the value will be anything between the colon and the next newline character.
if [[ -f $1 ]]; then
typeset -A opts
while read l; do
opts[${l%%:*}]="${l##*: }"
done < $1
echo "Number of found options: ${#opts[*]}"
for k in ${(k)opts}; do
echo "$k => ${opts[$k]}"
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mkaito commented Feb 22, 2012

Of course, there are other ways to read options from a file. For one, you could simply have it be a regular shell script defining variables, and source it. On the upside, anything valid in a shell script can go there, so you can work some magic on your configuration. On the downside, your config file is a shell script which will be executed upon sourcing, which is good and bad, depending on how prone you are to accidentally writing things like rm -rf ~ in your files.

Certain applications may require sectioned config files, like the traditional ini-file syntax, where sections are separated with [Header] lines. This kind of configuration will require some sed/awk magic, and storing the options will also become a lot more complicated, since shells only support one-dimension arrays. At the very least, you'll be dealing with a section list in one array, and one array per section to store it's options.

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