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Chris Laprun metacosm

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2023-05-10 10:30:32,278 1 i.j.j.KubeAPIServer [DEBUG] Stating API Server. Using jenvtest dir: /Users/claprun/.jenvtest
2023-05-10 10:30:32,291 1 i.j.j.p.EtcdProcess [DEBUG] etcd started on port: 56497
2023-05-10 10:30:32,294 1 i.j.j.p.KubeAPIServerProcess [DEBUG] Kube API Server started on port: 56499 using binaries: /Users/claprun/.jenvtest/k8s/1.27.1-darwin-arm64/kube-apiserver
2023-05-10 10:30:32,299 35 i.j.j.p.E.EtcdProcessLogs [DEBUG] {"level":"warn","ts":"2023-05-10T10:30:32.299032+0200","caller":"embed/config.go:673","msg":"Running http and grpc server on single port. This is not recommended for production."}
2023-05-10 10:30:32,300 35 i.j.j.p.E.EtcdProcessLogs [DEBUG] {"level":"info","ts":"2023-05-10T10:30:32.299277+0200","caller":"etcdmain/etcd.go:73","msg":"Running: ","args":["/Users/claprun/.jenvtest/k8s/1.27.1-darwin-arm64/etcd","-data-dir","/var/folders/5b/whp_mh_56ms59nfpq57kqqb80000gn/T/etcddata12158491416062772876","-wal-dir","/var/folders/5b/whp_mh_56ms59nfpq
2021-08-23T09:02:22.7192828Z Found online and idle hosted runner in the current repository's organization account that matches the required labels: 'ubuntu-latest'
2021-08-23T09:02:22.7932249Z Waiting for a Hosted runner in the 'organization' to pick this job...
2021-08-23T09:02:23.6774743Z Job is waiting for a hosted runner to come online.
2021-08-23T09:02:27.7153032Z Job is about to start running on the hosted runner: GitHub Actions 15 (hosted)
2021-08-23T09:02:32.9489522Z Current runner version: '2.280.3'
2021-08-23T09:02:32.9716359Z ##[group]Operating System
2021-08-23T09:02:32.9717405Z Ubuntu
2021-08-23T09:02:32.9717836Z 20.04.2
2021-08-23T09:02:32.9718248Z LTS
2021-08-23T09:02:32.9718697Z ##[endgroup]
//usr/bin/env jbang "$0" "$@" ; exit $?
//DEPS info.picocli:picocli:4.2.0
//DEPS org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit:
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.ListBranchCommand;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
metacosm /
Last active April 7, 2020 11:04
Comparing operator-related utility libraries
port: 8080
# Halkyon properties to configure the component, link or capability
name: fruit-backend-sb
deploymentMode: dev
exposeService: true
metacosm / gist:351c048c8b26976647bfd0c0ff1709a1
Created October 30, 2019 09:50
Working combination in halkyon when working with multiple components in a single git repository
There are several supported project configurations that currently don't work.
The core issue is that Build mode i.e. s2i requires a pom.xml file at the root of your clone git
repository. Therefore, if you want to store your components in the same git repo, you need to
have a parent pom. Personally, I think that's a bad organization as you'd want to keep your
components evolving independently but there are advantages to mono-repos.
Multiple independent components under a single git repo without a parent pom:
- Binary push: OK
- Source push: OK
get_latest_tag() {
local -r gitDir=${1:-.}
local latestTag
latestTag=$(git -C ${gitDir} describe --tags --abbrev=0 2> /dev/null)
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo ${latestTag}
return 1
Title : 5 good reasons to adopt Spring Cloud Kubernetes
This talk will introduce the Spring Cloud Kubernetes project and will present the strengths of the framework to develop
Spring Boot cloud native application on Kubernetes/OpenShift platform.
Different use cases will be presented to demonstrate the difficulties you will be faced with when designing microservices targeted to a dockerized platform and how they should be designed to solve common problems such as externalising the configuration or secrets, discovering and load balancing the different services, monitoring your application using the health check pattern and aggregating traces collected from the different services or setting up a circuit breaker. We will show how you can improve your Developer Experience by adopting the Fabric8 technology to help you build/deploy more easily such project.
REMOTE=$(git remote get-url upstream)
git fetch upstream
git checkout redhat
git rebase upstream/redhat
rm -rf /tmp/yaml-sync && git clone "${REMOTE}" /tmp/yaml-sync
cd /tmp/yaml-sync && git checkout sb-1.4.x
cd -
git rm .openshiftio/*.yaml
cp /tmp/yaml-sync/.openshiftio/*.yaml .openshiftio/
project-new --named cdservice --type spring-boot
jpa-setup --db-type MYSQL --data-source-name java:jboss/datasources/CatalogDS
jpa-new-entity --named Catalog
jpa-new-field --named artist --target-entity org.cdservice.model.Catalog
jpa-new-field --named title --target-entity org.cdservice.model.Catalog
jpa-new-field --named description --length 2000 --target-entity org.cdservice.model.Catalog
jpa-new-field --named price --type java.lang.Float --target-entity org.cdservice.model.Catalog
jpa-new-field --named publicationDate --type java.util.Date --temporalType DATE --target-entity org.cdservice.model.Catalog