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Fix VMware Workstation Error unable to open kernel device "VMCIDev VMX"


VMware Workstation Player returns an error when trying to run a new virutal machine. The error reads "Unable to open kernel device '\.\VMCIDev\VMX': The operation completed successfully. Did you reboot after installing VMware Player? Module 'DevicePowerOn' power on failed. Failed to start the virtual machine."


  1. Navigate to the virtual machine's working directory.
  2. To find your VM's working directory by right-clicking the VM, selecting 'settings', selecting the 'Options' tab, and noting the 'Working directory' path. Navigate to the working directory in Window's Explorer.
  3. Find the VMX file, with type 'VMware virtual machine configuration'.
  4. Open the VMX file in notepad.
  5. Find the line vmci0.present.
  6. Set the value of vmci0.present to FALSE.
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