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Scala Native 0.5, Gears, Roach, Postgres, multi-threading
//> using dep "ch.epfl.lamp::gears::0.2.0"
//> using dep "com.indoorvivants.roach::core::0.1.0"
//> using nativeVersion 0.5.4
//> using option -Wunused:all
//> using platform "scala-native"
//> using repository sonatype:snapshots
//> using scala 3.5.0-RC4
import gears.async.*, default.given
import roach.*, codecs.*
import scalanative.unsafe.Zone
val connectionString =
def read(limit: Int)(using Database, Zone): Vector[(String, Boolean)] =
// select some data from postgres
sql"select typname, typisdefined from pg_type limit $int4"
// pass the parameter, and read the results as a (String, Boolean) tuple
.all(limit, name ~ bool)
@main def hello =
val builder = List.newBuilder[(String, Boolean)]
val parallelism = 500
val limit = 100
// create shared postgres connection
Pool.single(connectionString): pool =>
// lease a connection
read(limit).foreach: (name, b) =>
builder += name -> b
assert(builder.result().size == parallelism * limit)
assert(builder.result().distinct.size == limit)
println("🔥Scala Native is multi-threaded!")
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