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List File-Shares with Share and NTFS Permissions in PowerShell
License terms
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
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#get all Shares
$shares = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share
$shareList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($share in $shares) {
#excluding default shares
if (($share.Name -notmatch '(?im)^[a-z]{1,1}\$') -and ($share.Name -notmatch '(?im)^[admin]{5,5}\$') -and ($share.Name -notmatch '(?im)^[ipc]{3,3}\$') -and ($share.Name -notmatch '(?im)^[print]{5,5}\$') ) {
$shareAccessInfo = ''
$ntfsAccessInfo = ''
#extract permissions from the current share
$fileAccessControlList = Get-Acl -Path $($share.Path) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Access | Select-Object -Property FileSystemRights, AccessControlType, IdentityReference
#excluding uncritical information as Builtin Accounts as Administratrators, System, NT Service and Trusted installer
foreach ($fileAccessControlEntry in $fileAccessControlList) {
if (($fileAccessControlEntry.FileSystemRights -notmatch '\d') -and ($fileAccessControlEntry.IdentityReference -notmatch '(?i)Builtin\\Administrators|NT\sAUTHORITY\\SYSTEM|NT\sSERVICE\\TrustedInstaller')) {
$ntfsAccessInfo += "$($fileAccessControlEntry.IdentityReference); $($fileAccessControlEntry.AccessControlType); $($fileAccessControlEntry.FileSystemRights)" + ' | '
} #END foreach ($fileAccessControlEntry in $fileAccessControlList)
$ntfsAccessInfo = $ntfsAccessInfo.Substring(0,$ntfsAccessInfo.Length - 3)
$ntfsAccessInfo = $ntfsAccessInfo -replace ',\s?Synchronize',''
#getting share permissions
$shareSecuritySetting = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting -Filter "Name='$($share.Name)'"
$shareSecurityDescriptor = $shareSecuritySetting.GetSecurityDescriptor()
$shareAcccessControlList = $shareSecurityDescriptor.Descriptor.DACL
#converting share permissions to be human readable
foreach($shareAccessControlEntry in $shareAcccessControlList) {
$trustee = $($shareAccessControlEntry.Trustee).Name
$accessMask = $shareAccessControlEntry.AccessMask
if($shareAccessControlEntry.AceType -eq 0) {
$accessType = 'Allow'
} else {
$accessType = 'Deny'
if ($accessMask -match '2032127|1245631|1179817') {
if ($accessMask -eq 2032127) {
$accessMaskInfo = 'FullControl'
} elseif ($accessMask -eq 1179817) {
$accessMaskInfo = 'Read'
} elseif ($accessMask -eq 1245631) {
$accessMaskInfo = 'Change'
} else {
$accessMaskInfo = 'unknown'
$shareAccessInfo += "$trustee; $accessType; $accessMaskInfo" + ' | '
} #END foreach($shareAccessControlEntry in $shareAcccessControlList)
if ($shareAccessInfo -match '|') {
$shareAccessInfo = $shareAccessInfo.Substring(0,$shareAccessInfo.Length - 3)
#putting extracted information together into a custom object
$myShareHash = @{'Name'=$share.Name}
$myShareHash.Add('FileSystemSPath',$share.Path )
$myShareObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $myShareHash
#store the custom object in a list
$null = $shareList.Add($myShareObject)
} #END if (($share.Name -notmatch '(?im)^[a-z]{1,1}\$') -and ($share.Name -notmatch '(?im)^[admin]{5,5}\$') -and ($share.Name -notmatch '(?im)^[ipc]{3,3}\$') )
} #END foreach ($share in $shares)
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