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Last active December 14, 2024 16:57
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Convert TaskPaper formatted File or Input to Markdown on Standard Output
#!/usr/bin/env perl -T
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
my $VERSION = "0.0.5";
# Functions
my $fh = shift;
(my $progname = $0) =~ s|^.*/||;
print $fh "$progname version $VERSION\n";
my $fh = shift;
(my $progname = $0) =~ s|^.*/||;
print $fh "\nUsage: $progname [option] FILE\n";
print $fh "\n\tWhere the options are:\n";
print $fh "\t\t-h\tThis Help\n";
print $fh "\t\t-v\tShow Version\n";
print $fh "\t\t-o FILE\tOutput File (defaults to STDOUT)\n";
print $fh "\t\t-b\tDisable Block-quote Notes\n";
print $fh "\n\tConverts TaskPaper file 'FILE' to Markdown format on STDOUT\n\n";
exit 1;
sub main
my %options=();
getopts('Hhvbo:', \%options) or HELP_MESSAGE("STDERR");
if ($options{h} or $options{H}) {
if ($options{v}) {
exit 1;
my $fh = *STDOUT;
my $blockQuote = $options{b} ? 0 : 1;
my $filename = $options{o} ? $options{o} : '-';
if ($filename =~ m{\A([\w.]+)\z} and $filename ne 'STDOUT') {
$filename = $1;
open $fh, q{>}, $filename;
my $calcIndent = 0;
my $indentOffset = 0;
my $displayIndent = 0;
while (<>) {
next if $_ =~ m|^\s*$|;
my $calcIndent = CountIndent($_);
if ($_ =~ m|^\s*- .*$|) {
$_ = ProcessTasks($_);
} elsif ($_ =~ m|^\s*[^-].+: *@*\w*$|) {
$_ = ProcessProjects($_) ;
$indentOffset = $calcIndent;
} else {
$_ = ProcessNotes($_, $blockQuote);
$displayIndent = $calcIndent - $indentOffset;
if ($_ =~ m|@\S+|) {
$_ = ProcessTags($_);
$_ = ProcessExhortations($_);
print $fh " " x $displayIndent . $_ . " \n\n";
sub ProcessProjects($)
my $line = $_[0];
my $offset = CountIndent($line);
$line =~ s|^|#|;
$line =~ s|:$||g;
$line =~ s|: *@| @|g;
$line =~ s|\t|#|g;
$line =~ s|^(#+)|$1 |;
return "\n" . $line;
sub ProcessTasks($)
my $line = $_[0];
my $offset = CountIndent($line);
$line =~ s|^\t+||g;
return $line;
sub ProcessNotes($)
my $line = $_[0];
my $blockQuote = $_[1];
my $offset = CountIndent($line);
$line =~ s|^\t+||g;
if ($blockQuote) {
$line =~ s|^|> |;
return $line;
sub CountIndent($)
my $string = $_[0];
$string =~ s/^\t+//;
my $indent = length($_[0]) - length($string);
return $indent;
sub ProcessTags($)
my $line = $_[0];
$line =~ s|\s@(\w+[-]*\w+)| #$1|g;
return $line;
sub ProcessExhortations($)
my $line = $_[0];
my %exhortations = (
MUST => '_must_',
SHOULD => '_should_',
MAY => '_may_',
BE => '_be_',
NOT => '_not_',
foreach my $key (keys %exhortations) {
$line =~ s|$key|$exhortations{$key}|g;
$line =~ s/_ _/ /g;
return $line;
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abbasou commented Sep 10, 2020

Forgive me, how do I write the output to a file? I'm on Windows 10. I use Atom as my taskpaper editor and either Atom or Typora as my markdown editor. I'm running the script via CLI. Is there an argument to define the output file? Currently it outputs directly in the terminal window. Or is there another, newer way of achieving the conversion from TP to MD? Any help is appreciated.

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jabofh commented Feb 11, 2021

@abbasou: The easiest way currently, would be to redirect the output: foo.task >

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jabofh commented Feb 11, 2021

@abbasou: I have updated the gist; the script will now take a -o output while still defaulting to STDOUT.

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