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Naming Controllers

Controllers should be in singular case, no spacing between words, and end with "Controller".

Also, each word should be capitalised (i.e. BlogController, not blogcontroller).

For example: BlogController, AuthController, UserController.

Bad examples: UsersController (because it is in plural), Users (because it is missing the Controller suffix).

Naming database tables in Laravel

DB tables should be in lower case, with underscores to separate words (snake_case), and should be in plural form.

For example: posts, project_tasks, uploaded_images.

Bad examples: all_posts, Posts, post, blogPosts

Pivot tables

Pivot tables should be all lower case, each model in alphabetical order, separated by an underscore (snake_case).

For example: post_user, task_user etc.

Bad examples: users_posts, UsersPosts.

Table columns names

Table column names should be in lower case, and snake_case (underscores between words). You shouldn't reference the table name.

For example: post_body, id, created_at.

Bad examples: blog_post_created_at, forum_thread_title, threadTitle.

Primary Key

This should normally be id.

Foreign Keys

Foreign keys should be the model name (singular), with '_id' appended to it (assuming the PK in the other table is 'id').

For example: comment_id, user_id.


Normal variables should typically be in camelCase, with the first character lower case.

For example: $users = ..., $bannedUsers = ....

Bad examples: $all_banned_users = ..., $Users=....

If the variable contains an array or collection of multiple items then the variable name should be in plural. Otherwise, it should be in singular form.

For example: $users = User::all(); (as this will be a collection of multiple User objects), but $user = User::first() (as this is just one object)

Naming Conventions for models

Naming Models in Laravel

A model should be in singular, no spacing between words, and capitalised.

For example: User (\App\User or \App\Models\User, etc), ForumThread, Comment.

Bad examples: Users, ForumPosts, blogpost, blog_post, Blog_posts.

Generally, your models should be able to automatically work out what database table it should use from the following method:

 * Get the table associated with the model.
 * @return string
public function getTable()
    if (! isset($this->table)) {
        return str_replace(
            '\\', '', Str::snake(Str::plural(class_basename($this)))

    return $this->table;

But of course you can just set $this->table in your model. See the section below on table naming conventions.

I recommend that you create models and migrations at the same time by running php artisan make:model -m ForumPost. This will auto-generate the migration file (in this case, for a DB table name of 'forum_posts').

Model properties

These should be lower case, snake_case. They should also follow the same conventions as the table column names.

For example: $this->updated_at, $this->title.

Bad examples: $this->UpdatedAt, $this->blogTitle.

Model Methods

Methods in your models in Laravel projects, like all methods in your Laravel projects, should be camelCase but the first character lower case.

For example: public function get(), public function getAll().

Bad examples: public function GetPosts(), public function get_posts().


hasOne or belongsTo relationship (one to many)

These should be singular form and follow the same naming conventions of normal model methods (camelCase, but with the first letter lower case)

For example: public function postAuthor(), public function phone().

hasMany, belongsToMany, hasManyThrough (one to many)

These should be the same as the one to many naming conventions, however, it should be in plural.

For example: public function comments(), public function roles().

Polymorphic relationships

These can be a bit awkward to get the naming correct.

Ideally, you want to be able to have a method such as this:

public function category()
    return $this->morphMany('App\Category', 'categoryable');

And Laravel will by default assume that there is a categoryable_id and categoryable_type.

But you can use the other optional parameters for morphMany ( public function morphMany($related, $name, $type = null, $id = null, $localKey = null)) to change the defaults.


Method naming conventions in controllers

These should follow the same rules as model methods. I.e. camelCase (first character lowercase).

In addition, for normal CRUD operations, they should use one of the following method names.

Verb URI Typical Method Name Route Name
GET /photos index() photos.index
GET /photos/create create() photos.create
POST /photos store()
GET /photos/{photo} show()
GET /photos/{photo}/edit edit() photos.edit
PUT/PATCH /photos/{photo} update() photos.update
DELETE /photos/{photo} destroy() photos.destroy


Traits should be be adjective words.

For example: Notifiable, Dispatchable, etc.

Blade view files

Blade files should be in lower case, snake_case (underscore between words).

For example: all.blade.php, all_posts.blade.php, etc


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