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Forked from groovenectar/roundedcube.scad
Last active December 17, 2024 05:28
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roundedcube.scad - Fork me and make me better!
// More information on original version:
// Changed by GGS67 to remove some limitations:
// 1. Allow radius>length for rounded corners in one axis only (problem reported on original page in 2015)
// 2. Remove limitation where for apply_to=(x|y|z)max or (x|y|z)min the dimension of the corresponding perpendicular
// axis had to be at least 3 times the radius because of fixed cylinder height. Now cylinder height is always computed not
// to interferr with opposite corner
// Set to 0.01 for higher definition curves (renders slower)
$fs = 0.15;
module roundedcube(size = [1, 1, 1], center = false, radius = 0.5, apply_to = "all") {
// If single value, convert to [x, y, z] vector
size = (size[0] == undef) ? [size, size, size] : size;
//echo(str("roundedcube([",size[0],size[1],size[2],"], radius=", radius, ", apply_to=",apply_to));
translate_min = 0;
translate_xmax = size[0];
translate_ymax = size[1];
translate_zmax = size[2];
diameter = radius * 2;
function adj2(i,dt,df) = (i==0)?dt:df;
function adj(i,d) = adj2(i,d,-d);
function adjR(i) = adj(i,radius);
obj_translate = (center == false) ?
[0, 0, 0] : [
-(size[0] / 2),
-(size[1] / 2),
-(size[2] / 2)
translate(v = obj_translate) {
hull() {
for (xi = [0:1]) {
translate_x = [translate_min, translate_xmax][xi];
x_at = (xi == 0) ? "min" : "max";
for (yi = [0:1]) {
translate_y = [translate_min, translate_ymax][yi];
y_at = (yi == 0) ? "min" : "max";
for (zi = [0:1]) {
translate_z = [translate_min, translate_zmax][zi];
z_at = (zi == 0) ? "min" : "max";
if (
(apply_to == "all") ||
(apply_to == "xmin" && x_at == "min") || (apply_to == "xmax" && x_at == "max") ||
(apply_to == "ymin" && y_at == "min") || (apply_to == "ymax" && y_at == "max") ||
(apply_to == "zmin" && z_at == "min") || (apply_to == "zmax" && z_at == "max")
) {
// GGS: Separate translates to asccomodate changes allowing sizes < 3 x radius
translate(v = [translate_x+adjR(xi), translate_y+adjR(yi), translate_z+adjR(zi)])
sphere(r = radius);
} else {
rotate =
(apply_to == "xmin" || apply_to == "xmax" || apply_to == "x") ? [0, 90, 0] : (
(apply_to == "ymin" || apply_to == "ymax" || apply_to == "y") ? [90, 90, 0] :
[0, 0, 0]
//Compute cylinder height to make it work with cubbe sizes up to 3xradius which did not work
// in original because cylinders would "eat" spheres
h1 =
(apply_to == "xmin" || apply_to == "xmax" || apply_to == "x") ? size[0]-radius : (
(apply_to == "ymin" || apply_to == "ymax" || apply_to == "y") ? size[1]-radius :
h2 =
(apply_to == "xmin" || apply_to == "xmax" || apply_to == "x") ? size[0]/4 : (
(apply_to == "ymin" || apply_to == "ymax" || apply_to == "y") ? size[1]/4 :
h=(h1<h2 && h1>0)?h1:h2;
trans =
(apply_to == "xmin" || apply_to == "xmax" || apply_to == "x") ? [adj2(xi,0,-height),adjR(yi),adjR(zi)] : (
(apply_to == "ymin" || apply_to == "ymax" || apply_to == "y") ? [adjR(xi),adj2(yi,0,-height),adjR(zi)] :
translate(v = [translate_x+trans[0], translate_y+trans[1], translate_z+trans[2]])
rotate(a = rotate)
cylinder(h = height, r = radius, center = false);
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ggs67 commented Apr 27, 2021

Changed to remove some limitations.

  1. Allow radius>length for rounded corners in one axis only
  2. Remove limitation where for apply_to=(x|y|z)max/(x|y|z)min the dimension of the corresponding perpendicular axis had to be at least 3 times radius because of previously fixed cylinder length

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