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Black list for user agent of Chinese web browsers, quick block all access from Chinese web browsers / 国产浏览器UA黑名单,一键屏蔽所有国产浏览器访问
(http.user_agent contains "QQ/")
or (http.user_agent contains "MicroMessenger")
or (http.user_agent contains "TaoBrowser")
or (http.user_agent contains "Redmi")
or (http.user_agent contains "XiaoMi")
or (http.user_agent contains "MiuiBrowser")
or (http.user_agent contains "HUAWEI")
or (http.user_agent contains "HONOR")
or (http.user_agent contains "OPPO")
or (http.user_agent contains "vivo")
or (http.user_agent contains "MSIE 8")
or (http.user_agent contains "MSIE 7")
or (http.user_agent contains "MSIE 6")
or (http.user_agent contains "MSIE 5")
or (http.user_agent contains "360SE")
or (http.user_agent contains "360EE")
or (http.user_agent contains "MetaSr")
or (http.user_agent contains "Maxthon")
or (http.user_agent contains "QQBrowser")
or (http.user_agent contains "TencentTraveler")
or (http.user_agent contains "UCBrowser")
or (http.user_agent contains "UCWEB")
or (http.user_agent contains "BIDUBrowser")
or (http.user_agent contains "LBBROWSER")
or (http.user_agent contains "2345Explorer")
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