Help me refactor this .cursorfile @.cursorrules.advanced it needs to be consolidated. We can do this step by step, and you can show me a overview of your proposed fixes before we begin. Please do not remove any of the current concepts in the file, merely reduce duplication and contridictions. Things I want to keep in mind:
- python code should be implemented using DRY and YAGNI
- all docstrings should implement pep 257 in the style of google
- Use few shot examples where necessary, make sure the code snippets also adhere to our coding standards.
- Everything should be annotated
- make references to design patterns that we like or want to implement like mentioned in the readme here @Web @Python Patterns
- remember that vcrpy/pytest-recording is only used for unittests and sometimes intergration tests, never for evaluation testing. All of these tests use the proper pytest.mark decorators.
- python 3.10+ support only @Codebase
- Code deployment happens via Ethos Flex (simply mentioning it at the momemnt is f