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Last active September 15, 2023 16:22
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Using PyXA, Automator, and PIL to create a mosaic of selected images.
import PyXA, math
from PIL import Image
# Execute Automator workflow and receive list of image paths
automator = PyXA.Application("Automator")
workflow ="/Users/exampleuser/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~Automator/Documents/Ask For Photos.workflow")
image_paths = workflow.execute()
# Set base dimensions of mosaic images
base_width = 400
base_height = 200
# Get number of rows and columns
root = int(math.sqrt(len(image_paths)))
# Create empty canvas
dim = (root * base_width, root * base_width)
mosaic ="RGB", dim)
# Populate the canvas
for row in range(0, root):
for col in range(0, root):
# Load image from path
path = image_paths[row + col * root]
img =
# Resize
width = int(max(base_width, base_width/img.size[0] * img.size[1]))
img = img.resize((base_width, width), Image.ANTIALIAS)
mosaic.paste(img, (base_width * col, base_width * row))
# Tested with PyXA 0.1.1
import PyXA, math
# Execute Automator workflow and receive list of image paths
automator = PyXA.Application("Automator")
workflow ="/Users/exampleuser/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~Automator/Documents/Ask For Photos.workflow")
image_paths = workflow.execute()
# Set base dimensions of mosaic images
base_width = 400
base_height = 200
# Get number of rows and columns
root = int(math.sqrt(len(image_paths)))
mosaic = None
for index in range(0, len(image_paths), root):
row_image = None
if index + 1 < len(image_paths):
# Construct rows by stacking images horizontally
images =[index], image_paths[index + 1])
images.resize(base_width, base_height)
row_image = images.horizontal_stitch()
# Construct mosaic by stacking rows vertically
if mosaic is None:
mosaic = row_image
mosaic = PyXA.XAImage.vertical_stitch([row_image, mosaic])
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