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Last active January 15, 2025 19:06
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  • Save Jacobboogiebear/a658f87e163c4285454eec38eb8dfd79 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Jacobboogiebear/a658f87e163c4285454eec38eb8dfd79 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Quick trick to disable parental controls on windows (read tutorial.txt)
:: Hides the output of small commands to help clean up the view of everything
:: This at the end of any line means hide it's output as to not clutter the display, feel free to remove it from any line and see the output of each command
:: >nul 2>&1
:: Throws "Access is denied" if the script is run as non-admin or does nothing if run as admin, setting the errorlevel variable to 0 or 1
:: (0: No error occured / Other values: An error has occured)
NET SESSION >nul 2>&1
:: Check if the previous function threw an error, detecting whether script was run as admin or not
:: If not detected as admin go to the block of code that opens and verifies UAC (User Account Control) Prompt
:: If the code has not jumped to UAC (User Account Control) Prompt system then go to main script
:: ":ELEVATE" simply means create a point in the script that you can jump to with the title "ELEVATE"
:: Changes the current directory of the executing script to the folder where the script is held
CD /d %~dp0
:: Runs a javascript (Javascript is the programming language commonly used for web pages / Using Internet Explorer) function
:: that finds the current running script file and re-runs it as admin giving the UAC (User Account Control) Prompt
MSHTA "javascript: var shell = new ActiveXObject('shell.application'); shell.ShellExecute('%~nx0', '', '', 'runas', 1);close();" >nul
::Exits the current script and IF the UAC (User Account Control) prompt was accepted will continue in another terminal instance to run the Admin tasks
:: ":ADMINTASKS" simply means create a point in the script that you can jump to with the title "ADMINTASKS"
:: Makes your windows user take control of the file "WpcMon.exe" (The Executable that controls parental controls)
TAKEOWN /F "C:\WINDOWS\System32\WpcMon.exe" >nul 2>&1
:: Grants all users access to modify and control the file "WpcMon.exe" (The Executable that controls parental controls)
ICACLS "C:\WINDOWS\System32\WpcMon.exe" /grant Users:F >nul 2>&1
:: Rename the file "WpcMon.exe" to "WpcMonBackup.exe" so that windows can't launch it, effectivly locking the parental controls from running
REN "C:\WINDOWS\System32\WpcMon.exe" WpcMonBackup.exe >nul 2>&1
:: Prints into the console the text below
ECHO The Family Session Bypass has been enabled, enjoy!
:: Waits for user input to confirm the script has run properly
:: Delete script after running
(goto) 2>nul & del "%~f0"
NET SESSION >nul 2>&1
CD /d %~dp0
MSHTA "javascript: var shell = new ActiveXObject('shell.application'); shell.ShellExecute('%~nx0', '', '', 'runas', 1);close();" >nul
TAKEOWN /F "C:\WINDOWS\System32\WpcMon.exe" >nul 2>&1
ICACLS "C:\WINDOWS\System32\WpcMon.exe" /grant Users:F >nul 2>&1
REN "C:\WINDOWS\System32\WpcMon.exe" WpcMonBackup.exe >nul 2>&1
ECHO The Family Session Bypass has been enabled, enjoy!
(goto) 2>nul & del "%~f0"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile $env:temp/script.bat | start-process $env:temp/script.bat
Simply copy and paste the contents of "oneliner.ps1" into a powershell (with or without admin, doesn't matter).
It will make a popup UAC Prompt, simply click "Yes" and the Time limits on your PC will be removed forever.
(OK, ok, just until you updated windows)
Copy link

doesnt work

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