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Created October 31, 2011 12:59
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(use srfi-1) ; list-index
(use srfi-14) ; char-set
(use gauche.parseopt)
(define (usage)
(print "Usage: mortal [options ...]")
(print " - s|sleep : milli second sleep")
(print " - l|length")
(print " - h|help")
(exit 0))
(define (make-lookupper keys values :optional (comp eq?))
(^ (key)
(let1 idx (list-index (pa$ comp key) keys)
(and idx (list-ref values idx)))))
(define rand
(let1 m (make <mersenne-twister> :seed (sys-time))
(^ (:optional (len 2))
(mt-random-integer m len))))
(define (main args)
(let-args (cdr args)
((n "s|sleep=i" 1000)
(len "l|length=i")
(help "h|help" => usage))
(let* ((src1 (char-set->list #[a-zA-Z0-9]))
(src2 (char-set->list #[a-zA-Z0-9]))
(lookup (make-lookupper src1 src2)))
(let1 body (^ _ (sys-nanosleep (* n 100000))
(let1 char (list-ref src1 (rand (length src1)))
(display (if (zero? (rand 2))
(lookup char)))
(if len
(for-each body (iota len))
(while #t (body)))))))
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