See this issue.
Docker best practise to Control and configure Docker with systemd.
file in/etc/docker
:{"hosts": ["tcp://", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"]}
See this issue.
Docker best practise to Control and configure Docker with systemd.
Create daemon.json
file in /etc/docker
{"hosts": ["tcp://", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"]}
Aviso: Muitas vezes detalhes de várias operações podem variar de banco para banco. Em questões onde fiquei em dúvida, este documento segue o funcionamento do PostgreSQL, pois é o banco que conheço melhor.
Antes de começar a escrever SQL, você precisa entender o modelo de como um banco de dados relacional funciona. Não precisa se aprofundar muito, mas você precisa entender como que dados e relacionamentos entre eles são representados. (Nota importante: Relacionamento e relação não são a
;;; hl-block.el --- Highlight logical block at point -*- lexical-binding: t -*- | |
;; Copyright (C) 2025 Nicolas P. Rougier | |
;; Maintainer: Nicolas P. Rougier <[email protected]> | |
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1")) | |
;; Keywords: convenience | |
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. |
The package that linked you here is now pure ESM. It cannot be require()
'd from CommonJS.
This means you have the following choices:
import foo from 'foo'
instead of const foo = require('foo')
to import the package. You also need to put "type": "module"
in your package.json and more. Follow the below guide.await import(…)
from CommonJS instead of require(…)
.scriptencoding utf-8 | |
" This function originates from; it isn't mine | |
function! CreateCenteredFloatingWindow() abort | |
let width = min([&columns - 4, max([80, &columns - 20])]) | |
let height = min([&lines - 4, max([20, &lines - 10])]) | |
let top = ((&lines - height) / 2) - 1 | |
let left = (&columns - width) / 2 | |
let opts = {'relative': 'editor', 'row': top, 'col': left, 'width': width, 'height': height, 'style': 'minimal'} |
Recent changes in the tech scene have made it clear that relying on commercial companies to provide services I rely on isn't a good strategy in the long term, and given that Tailscale is so effective these days as a remote-access system, I've gradually been expanding a small collection of self-hosted web apps and services running on my home network.
Until now they've mainly been addressed using their IP addresses and random high ports on the internal LAN, for example:
blueprint: | |
name: Philips Hue Dimmer switch v2 (Zigbee2MQTT) | |
description: | |
"Tested with Philips Hue Smart Wireless Dimmer Switch V2 (929002398602). | |
\n\n | |
To have different actions on short press and on hold (long press), use 'button release' (`*_press_release`) and 'button hold once' (`*_hold_once`) commands, | |
as 'press' (`*_press`) will always trigger before 'button hold' (`*_hold`). | |
\n\n | |
When you hold a button, 'button hold' (`*_hold`) command is repeated roughly once per second. This may not work as desired with actions like toggling light/switch. | |
If you want an action to run only once when the button hold action is registered, use 'button hold once' (`*_hold_once`). It's better than using 'button hold release' |
// This is a value (de|en)coder for the UUID type. For best experience, register | |
// mongoRegistry to mongo client instance via options, e.g. | |
// clientOptions := options.Client().SetRegistry(mongoRegistry) | |
// | |
// Only BSON binary subtype 0x04 is supported. | |
// | |
// Use as you please | |
package repository | |
import ( |
// This is a value (de|en)coder for the UUID type. For best experience, register | |
// mongoRegistry to mongo client instance via options, e.g. | |
// clientOptions := options.Client().SetRegistry(mongoRegistry) | |
// | |
// Only BSON binary subtype 0x04 (TypeBinaryUUID) is supported. | |
// | |
// Use as you please | |
package repository | |
import ( |