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vinicius-stutz /
Created December 30, 2015 13:41
Google Chrome Favicons For Bookmarklets

Google Chrome Favicons For Bookmarklets

  1. Open the Bookmark Manager and export your bookmarks;
  2. Open the exported html file in your favorite editor and look for the bookmarklet you want a favicon applied to;
  3. Convert the 16x16 px (or greater) favicon you want to use into the BASE64 format (I used Base64 Image Encoder);
  4. Now you can add the favicon via adding the ICON="data:image/insert-your-base64-image-code-here" attribute in the link;
  5. Save the file and import it in the bookmark manager.

Done! If the favicon doesn’t show up, try clicking on the bookmarklet. Afterwards the changes should stick and you can delete the imported bookmarks folder. If you have sync activated the favicons on your bookmarklets will also show up on your other PC, Mac, smartphone etc.

jinjier /
Last active December 29, 2024 04:09
JavDB top 250 movies list. [Updated on 2024/12]
paul-vd /
Last active December 29, 2024 04:04
GPU Passthrough Fedora
ericmjl /
Last active December 29, 2024 04:01
How to organize your Python data science project

UPDATE: I have baked the ideas in this file inside a Python CLI tool called pyds-cli. Please find it here:

How to organize your Python data science project

Having done a number of data projects over the years, and having seen a number of them up on GitHub, I've come to see that there's a wide range in terms of how "readable" a project is. I'd like to share some practices that I have come to adopt in my projects, which I hope will bring some organization to your projects.

Disclaimer: I'm hoping nobody takes this to be "the definitive guide" to organizing a data project; rather, I hope you, the reader, find useful tips that you can adapt to your own projects.

Disclaimer 2: What I’m writing below is primarily geared towards Python language users. Some ideas may be transferable to other languages; others may not be so. Please feel free to remix whatever you see here!

av /
Created December 28, 2024 20:14
r/LocalLLaMA - a year in review

r/LocalLLaMA - a year in review

This community was a great part of my life for the past two years, so as 2024 comes to a close, I wanted to feed my nostalgia a bit. Let me take you back to the most notable things happened here this year.

This isn't a log of model releases or research, rather things that were discussed and upvoted by the people here. So notable things missing is also an indication of what was going on of sorts. I hope that it'll also show the amount of progress and development that happend in just a single year and make you even more excited for what's to come in 2025.

The year started with the excitement about Phi-2 (443 upvotes, by u/steph_pop). Phi-2 feels like ancient history these days, it's also fascinating that we end the 2024 with the Phi-4. Just one week after, people discovered that apparently it [was trained on the software engineer's diary](

py7hon / install.bat
Created December 16, 2024 12:40
Refresh env on windows without installing chocolatey
Install-Script -Name RefreshEnv -RequiredVersion 1.0.0
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser -Force
MicahElliott /
Created November 29, 2010 07:57
Convert values between RGB hex codes and xterm-256 color codes.
#! /usr/bin/env python
""" Convert values between RGB hex codes and xterm-256 color codes.
Nice long listing of all 256 colors and their codes. Useful for
developing console color themes, or even script output schemes.
adibhanna / config
Created December 28, 2024 18:16
Ghostty config
font-family = BerkeleyMono Nerd Font
#font-family = Iosevka Nerd Font
# font-family = SFMono Nerd Font
font-size = 20
theme = GruvboxDarkHard
shell-integration-features = no-cursor,sudo,no-title
cursor-style = block
adjust-cell-height = 35%
# background-opacity = 0.96
bryant988 / zillow.js
Last active December 29, 2024 03:37
Zillow Image Downloader
* NOTE: this specifically works if the house is for sale since it renders differently.
* This will download the highest resolution available per image.
* STEP 1: Make sure to *SCROLL* through all images so they appear on DOM.
* No need to click any images.