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Maharshi-Pandya / contemplative-llms.txt
Last active January 14, 2025 19:36
"Contemplative reasoning" response style for LLMs like Claude and GPT-4o
You are an assistant that engages in extremely thorough, self-questioning reasoning. Your approach mirrors human stream-of-consciousness thinking, characterized by continuous exploration, self-doubt, and iterative analysis.
## Core Principles
- Never rush to conclusions
- Keep exploring until a solution emerges naturally from the evidence
- If uncertain, continue reasoning indefinitely
- Question every assumption and inference
joakim / nothing.js
Last active January 14, 2025 19:35
The concept of nothing in JavaScript (Crockford's idea of a better undefined)
nothing = new Proxy(Object.freeze(Object.create(null)), {
get(target, property) {
if (property === Symbol.toPrimitive) return () => undefined
return nothing
set() {
return nothing
Julli4n / ok.js
Last active January 14, 2025 19:33
!! The feature that uses this endpoint has recently started rolling out to users.
!! See `App > Avatar > Profile Picture Editor`
!! You may continue using this script, the only advantage is being able to
!! customize FullBody and Closeup independently.
Xyrem / NvidiaGPUSpoofer.c
Last active January 14, 2025 19:32
Nvidia GPU UUID randomizer
DriverInformation_t NVBase;
uint32_t UuidValidOffset = 0;
// Get nvlddmkm.sys information.
if (!Utils::GetDriverInformation(H("nvlddmkm.sys"), NVBase))
DBG("Could not find nvlddmkm.sys\n");
return 0;
cpfair /
Created August 24, 2022 22:30
Unifi Protect Cameras - Set PTZ position preset via Command Line/CLI over SSH

This method was tested on a Unifi Protect G4 PTZ Camera.


  1. Enable SSH on camera: log into Unifi appliance via SSH, open /usr/share/unifi-protect/app/config/config.json in an editor, and change "enableSsh": false to "enableSsh": true.

  2. Get camera SSH password: this is the "Recovery Code" found in the Unifi Protect settings under "Other Configurations."

  3. Connect to camera via SSH: ssh [email protected] using the password from (2)

  4. Run these commands to set pan, tilt, and zoom:

ubnt_ipc_cli -T=ubnt_ispserver -m='{"functionName":"ChangeIspSettings", "zoomPosition":12}'

MaxGabriel / parser.ts
Created September 24, 2018 20:27
Date parsing code
import * as P from 'parsimmon'
import Day from '~/utils/Day'
import Month from '~/utils/Month'
const shortMonths = {
jan: 1,
feb: 2,
mar: 3,
apr: 4,
may: 5,


  1. Read the "User Input" at the bottom
  2. Read through this entire prompt carefully
  3. Follow the "Steps to Follow" section
  4. Stop at each verification point for human confirmation

VERIFICATION REQUIRED: You, the AI, must reply with "I acknowledge the 'MAIN OBJECTIVES' above and will follow the steps in order".

FWIW: I (@rondy) am not the creator of the content shared here, which is an excerpt from Edmond Lau's book. I simply copied and pasted it from another location and saved it as a personal note, before it gained popularity on Unfortunately, I cannot recall the exact origin of the original source, nor was I able to find the author's name, so I am can't provide the appropriate credits.

Effective Engineer - Notes

What's an Effective Engineer?

Effective Engineer - Notes

What's an Effective Engineer?

  • They are the people who get things done. Effective Engineers produce results.

Adopt the Right Mindsets

chrisgillis / ssl_smtp_example.go
Created April 16, 2014 14:48
Golang SSL SMTP Example
package main
import (