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bgauduch /
Last active March 21, 2025 18:02
Git config with multiple identities and multiple repositories

Setup multiple git identities & git user informations

/!\ Be very carrefull in your setup : any misconfiguration make all the git config to fail silently ! Go trought this guide step by step and it should be fine 😉

Setup multiple git ssh identities for git

  • Generate your SSH keys as per your git provider documentation.
  • Add each public SSH keys to your git providers acounts.
  • In your ~/.ssh/config, set each ssh key for each repository as in this exemple:
KKozlowski / LaTeXPolishLeters.tex
Created November 3, 2016 10:23
Polish letters literation for LaTeX Listings package.
literate={ą}{{\k a}}1
{Ą}{{\k A}}1
{ż}{{\. z}}1
{Ż}{{\. Z}}1
{ź}{{\' z}}1
{Ź}{{\' Z}}1
{ć}{{\' c}}1
{Ć}{{\' C}}1
t3dotgg / try-catch.ts
Last active March 21, 2025 18:01
Theo's preferred way of handling try/catch in TypeScript
// Types for the result object with discriminated union
type Success<T> = {
data: T;
error: null;
type Failure<E> = {
data: null;
error: E;

🖧 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

🗓️ Last Updated: 27 Dec, 2024
🔗 Source: GeeksforGeeks - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is a network protocol used to automate the process of assigning IP addresses and other network configuration parameters to devices (such as computers, smartphones, and printers) on a network. Instead of manually configuring each device with an IP address, DHCP allows devices to connect to a network and receive all necessary network information, like IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS server addresses, automatically from a DHCP server.

This makes it easier to manage and maintain large networks, ensuring devices can communicate effectively without conflicts in their network settings. DHCP plays a crucial role in modern networks by simplifying the process of connecting devices and managing network resources efficiently.

❓ Wh

rvrsh3ll /
Created February 18, 2024 22:44
Windows Product Keys


These are NOT product / license keys that are valid for Windows activation.
These keys only select the edition of Windows to install during setup, but they do not activate or license the installation.


bmaupin /
Last active March 21, 2025 17:51
Free database hosting
fusetim /
Last active March 21, 2025 17:50
Generate lots of Wireguard configuration for your ProtonVPN Account.
import http.client
import http.cookies
import json
import base64
import hashlib
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import x25519
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
newtonjob / MagicLoginLink.php
Created March 21, 2025 14:38
Magic login link using Laravel's `Password` broker
johanmeiring / gist:3002458
Created June 27, 2012 08:32
"git lg" alias for pretty git log
# From
git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --"
ryancdavison /
Last active March 21, 2025 17:47
iPad Pro 12.9 (2020) Magic Keyboard Portrait Mode DIY Smart Connector Cable

iPad Pro 12.9" (2020) Magic Keyboard Portrait Mode DIY Smart Connector Cable

I wanted my iPad Pro to be able to use the Magic Keyboard in portrait mode, but the current Smart Connector configuration does not allow this. With too much time on my hands, I made a short jumper cable using a section of USB cable, 5-pin POGO connectors (the 5-pin works using pins 1, 3, and 5, and removing pins 2 and 4), a small electrical project box, 3mm N52 magnets, and some epoxy and Sugru to pack everything into place. My cable and connections orientation had more to do with the boxes I found to encase the connector (with holes on the small end) than anything else. Obviously, there will be many ways to do this.

WARNING: Getting any of these steps wrong will probably ruin your iPad.

Note: These measurements are for the 12.9" (2020) model. The magnets did not line up and the polarity was different for my wife's iPad Pro 11" (2021).
