$ yum install -y unbound
Discover gists
* | |
!.gitignore | |
!make-macos-folder-icns.sh |
- IaaS指提供系统(可以自己选)或者储存空间之类的硬件,软件要自己手动装。PaaS提供语言环境和框架(可以自己选)。SaaS只能使用开发好的软件(卖软件本身,如税务会计、表格文字处理)。BaaS一般类似于非关系数据库,但各家不通用
- 云服务的特点:零前期成本 & 按需付费 & 弹性(类似于租,可随时多加、退掉;但没有残值)、高可用(放在机房中,不同AZ间水电隔离)
- https://education.github.com/pack GitHub学生包,需用教育邮箱验证。各种福利,可从DigitalOcean上手
- https://github.com/ripienaar/free-for-dev 本文尽量不与此项目重复
- https://free.zhelper.net/
Below is the list of modern JS frameworks and almost frameworks – React, Vue, Angular, Ember and others.
All files were downloaded from https://cdnjs.com and named accordingly.
Output from ls
command is stripped out (irrelevant stuff)
$ ls -lhS
566K Jan 4 22:03 angular2.min.js
function PlayList() { | |
//シート定義 | |
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() | |
const sheetName1 = "シート1"; | |
const srcSheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetName1); | |
//データを貼り付けるシートをクリア | |
srcSheet.clear() |
La clave de Registro Federal de Contribuyentes asignada a personas físicas se compone de 13 caracteres.
Comprende los primeros 4 caracteres que equivalen a 4 letras asignadas de la siguiente manera:
- Caracter 1: Letra inicial de apellido paterno.
- Caracter 2: Vocal inicial de apellido paterno. (primera vocal)
- Caracter 3: Letra inicial de apellido materno.
function rectCollide() { | |
var nodes,sizes,masses; | |
var strength = 1; | |
var iterations = 1; | |
var nodeCenterX; | |
var nodeMass; | |
var nodeCenterY; | |
function force() { |
# Use systemd for managing NVIDIA driver suspend in drivers ====>>> PRIOR to version 470 <<<===== | |
# https://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/450.66/README/powermanagement.html | |
# https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/unable-to-set-nvidia-kernel-module-parameters/161306 | |
# Please note: In Fedora Linux you may need to just install the xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-power pakage | |
# as sugested by @goombah88 in the comments below. | |
TMP_PATH=/var/tmp | |
TMPL_PATH=/usr/share/doc/nvidia-driver-460/ | |
echo "options nvidia NVreg_PreserveVideoMemoryAllocations=1 NVreg_TemporaryFilePath=${TMP_PATH}" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-power-management.conf |
Thanks to Sergey Tihon for running F# Weekly and F# Advent.
Thanks to manofstick for trying out the code and coming with invaluable feedback. Cistern.ValueLinq is very impressive.
There were many interesting improvements in F#6 but one in particular caught my eye, the attribute InlineIfLambda
Lecture 1: Introduction to Research — [📝Lecture Notebooks] [
Lecture 2: Introduction to Python — [📝Lecture Notebooks] [
Lecture 3: Introduction to NumPy — [📝Lecture Notebooks] [
Lecture 4: Introduction to pandas — [📝Lecture Notebooks] [
Lecture 5: Plotting Data — [📝Lecture Notebooks] [[