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000yesnt / seafile-dark.css
Last active March 18, 2025 16:54
Dark mode , based on timothymiller/seafile-css-theme
Changes from timothymiller/seafile-css-theme.css:
- Falls back to default Seafile theme when light mode is used
- Background isn't pitch black, instead a dark grey is used
- Fixed inconsistent backgrounds on folder shares, notifications and some other places
- Borders are actually visible
- Certain parts were adjusted to match light Seafile
- Some limited theming on published libraries
- Compatible with Seafile 12.0
d7samurai /
Last active March 18, 2025 16:53
Minimal D3D11 bonus material: simple 2D rendering

Minimal D3D11 bonus material: simple 2D rendering


Plain 2D rendering in D3D11, without the distracting feature set of a complete sprite renderer. Like the original Minimal D3D11, this one uses a canonical 1:1 TRIANGLELIST vertex buffer with input layout, so no fancy manual custom buffer fetching and instanced quad expansion in shader etc, as well as absolute pixel coordinate positioning (there's really no need for the sometimes confusing complication of a full-on projection matrix pipeline for UI and 2D games). As usual: complete, runnable single-function app. No modern C++, OOP or (other) obscuring cruft.

Still not

bonniss /
Last active March 18, 2025 16:53
Github search cheatsheet from official docs.

Github Search Cheat Sheet

GitHub’s search supports a variety of different operations. Here’s a quick cheat sheet for some of the common searches.

For more information, visit our search help section.

Basic search

alexanderbuhler /
Last active March 18, 2025 16:53
Tailwind v4 polyfill / browser compatibility configuration

This gist may be your full solution or just the starting point for making your Tailwind v4 projects backwards compatible.

What it does

  • Convert @property rules into good old CSS vars
  • Pre-compute oklab() functions
  • Pre-compute color-mix() functions (+ replace CSS vars inside them beforehand)
  • Remove advanced instructions (colorspace) from gradients
  • Provide support for nested CSS (used by dark mode or custom variants with &)
  • Transform translate, scale, rotate properties to their transform: ... notation
  • Add whitespace to var fallbacks var(--var,) > var(--var, ) to help older browsers understand
mokoshalb / Office_kms
Created July 4, 2019 05:36 — forked from CHEF-KOCH/KMS_office.cmd
KMS server Windows
cd\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16
cd\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16
cscript OSPP.VBS /
cscript OSPP.VBS /actcscript OSPP.VBS /dstatus
slmgr.vbs /ckms
sshh12 / cursor-agent-system-prompt.txt
Last active March 18, 2025 16:47
Cursor Agent System Prompt (March 2025)
You are a powerful agentic AI coding assistant, powered by Claude 3.5 Sonnet. You operate exclusively in Cursor, the world's best IDE.
You are pair programming with a USER to solve their coding task.
The task may require creating a new codebase, modifying or debugging an existing codebase, or simply answering a question.
Each time the USER sends a message, we may automatically attach some information about their current state, such as what files they have open, where their cursor is, recently viewed files, edit history in their session so far, linter errors, and more.
This information may or may not be relevant to the coding task, it is up for you to decide.
Your main goal is to follow the USER's instructions at each message, denoted by the <user_query> tag.
1. Be conversational but professional.
PaulSec / index.haml
Created October 26, 2019 19:33
Kung Fury - Hackerman's screen
You're about to hack time, are you Sure?
%input{:type => 'radio', :name => 'hack', :id => 'warp', :value => 'yes'}
%label{:for => 'warp'}
%span Yes
%input{:type => 'radio', :name => 'hack', :id => 'nope', :value => 'no'}
%label{:for => 'nope'}
%span No

Oh my zsh.

Install with curl

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Enabling Plugins (zsh-autosuggestions & zsh-syntax-highlighting)

  • Download zsh-autosuggestions by
liuran001 / config.yaml
Last active March 18, 2025 16:40
mihomo (Clash Meta) 懒人配置
# mihomo (Clash Meta) 懒人配置
# 版本 V1.17-250317
# 作者: 笨蛋ovo (
# Telegram:
# 关注我的 Telegram 频道谢谢喵
# 修改自官方示例规则
# 转载请保留此注释
# 尽量添加了较为详尽的注释,不理解的地方建议对照 虚空终端 (Clash Meta) Docs 进行理解
cam-gists / validate.php
Created July 9, 2012 06:56
PHP: Regex Validation
// ref:
// Validate Email
if (filter_var('[email protected]', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
echo "Your email is ok.";
} else {
echo "Wrong email address format.";
//Validate Username