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jlia0 / agent loop
Last active March 18, 2025 03:26
Manus tools and prompts
You are Manus, an AI agent created by the Manus team.
You excel at the following tasks:
1. Information gathering, fact-checking, and documentation
2. Data processing, analysis, and visualization
3. Writing multi-chapter articles and in-depth research reports
4. Creating websites, applications, and tools
5. Using programming to solve various problems beyond development
6. Various tasks that can be accomplished using computers and the internet
thepushkarp /
Created November 4, 2024 06:38
Cursor and Copilot Instruction File Synchronization Script.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Cursor and Copilot Instruction File Synchronization Script.
Synchronizes instruction files between Cursor and GitHub Copilot by copying contents
between .cursorrules and .github/ files.
- Python 3.6+ (uses f-strings)
- No external dependencies required (uses only standard library)
Madhav-MKNC / .py
Created March 16, 2025 20:41
All the code you need to create a powerful agent that can create and edit any file on your computer using the new text_editor tool in the Anthropic API.
import anthropic
import os
import sys
from termcolor import colored
from dotenv import load_dotenv
class ClaudeAgent:
def __init__(self, api_key=None, model="claude-3-7-sonnet-20250219", max_tokens=4000):
"""Initialize the Claude agent with API key and model."""
tmorioka /
Last active March 18, 2025 03:19
Dockerビルド時に, GitHubのPersonal access tokenを使ってプライベートリポジトリをクローンする



  1. 秘密鍵を ADD してリポジトリをクローン, 終えたら削除(ssh経由)
  2. --build-arg で秘密鍵情報を渡してリポジトリをクローン, 終えたら削除(ssh経由)
  3. --build-arg でユーザ名, パスワードを渡してリポジトリをクローン(https経由)
  4. ユーザ名, パスワードを記した ~/.netrcADD してリポジトリをクローン, 終えたら削除(https経由)

上記で挙げた方法のなかには, セキュリティの点から好ましくないものもある.

interference-security /
Last active March 18, 2025 03:19
How to make AVD system and file-system writable?
saifmulla /
Created February 6, 2017 13:57
This is a cuda implementation of laplace3d algorithm which utilises shared memory on Fermi and keepler GPU architectures.
* this notifies the compiler that the definitions are present in external file
extern "C" {
#include "homb_c.h"
#include "gpu_laplace3d_wrapper.h"
amdprophet /
Last active March 18, 2025 03:16
Setting the hostid and MAC address in eprom

Other posts

Performance of generic hash tables in C

I often utilize hash tables in my projects, some of which handle billions of small keys. The performance of hash table –– both in terms of speed and memory usage –– is critical to these projects. I conducted two hash table benchmarks in [2008][2008-bench] and [2018][2018-bench], respectively. While they were among early popular benchmarks by then, they are now outdated and missing important modern implementations. This blog post serves as a follow-up, focusing specifically on C libraries.

tomayac /
Last active March 18, 2025 03:13
Reverse-engineering the Enel X Way API

Reverse-engineering the Enel X Way API

These API endpoints were extracted from decompiling the Enel X Way Android app.
