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joepie91 /
Last active January 19, 2025 22:25
The 5-minute guide to the fediverse and Mastodon

The 5-minute guide to the fediverse and Mastodon

There are lots of guides explaining Mastodon and the broader fediverse, but they often go into way too much detail. So I've written this guide - it only talks about the basics you need to know to start using it, and you can then gradually learn the rest from other helpful fediverse users. Let's get started!

The fediverse is not Twitter!

The fediverse is very different from Twitter, and that is by design. It's made for building close communities, not for building a "global town square" or as a megaphone for celebrities. That means many things will work differently from what you're used to. Give it some time, and ask around on the fediverse if you're not sure why something works how it does! People are usually happy to explain, as long as it's a genuine question. Some of the details are explained in this article, but it's not required reading.

The most important takeaway is the "

V-ed / bookmarklet.js
Last active January 19, 2025 22:24
Mealie Add Recipe Bookmarklet
var recipeUrl = document.URL;
var mealie = "";
var group_slug = "famille";
var doUseKeywords = false; // use keywords from recipe
var stayInEditMode = true;
var decoratedUrlParams = {
"": [
surim0n / gist:067374f267765159e969c158be487b02
Created December 18, 2024 04:37 meta prompt
Role & Purpose:
You are an AI assistant. Your job is to create a comprehensive project plan for a software development project. The plan should be based on the provided inputs and follow the given instructions step by step.
You will receive three input variables:
{{PROJECT_DESCRIPTION}}: A textual description of the project’s objectives, features, and goals.
{{PROJECT_STACK}}: A description of the technologies, frameworks, libraries, and tools intended to be used.
{{ADDITIONAL_DETAILS}}: Any extra instructions, constraints, or special considerations.
VictorTaelin / collapse_monad.hs
Last active January 19, 2025 22:24
The Collapse Monad
import Control.Monad (ap, forM_)
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- The Collapse Monad
-- ------------------
-- The Collapse Monad allows collapsing a value with labelled superpositions
-- into a flat list of superposition-free values. It is like the List Monad,
-- except that, instead of always doing a cartesian product, it will perform
-- pairwise merges of distant parts of your program that are "entangled"
-- under the same label. Examples:
ww9 / one-line-text-art-and-emojis_utf8_ascii.txt
Last active January 19, 2025 22:20
Emojis, UTF8, ASCII (one line) #misc
# Collection of one line text art (◕‿◕✿)
Collection of emojis and one line text art like (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 🤗
todgru /
Created June 12, 2014 23:01
AWS redis-cli on EC2
yangsu / chrome-dev-tools-shortcuts.textile
Created November 10, 2013 22:41
Chrome Developer Tools - Useful Shortcuts (Mac OS X)

Chrome Developer Tools – Useful Shortcuts (Mac OS X)


⌥⌘I Toggle Developer Tools
⌥⌘C Toggle JavaScript Console
⌥⌘U Show Source

All Panels

AE-OMFS / Sid Meier's Civilization VI Hacks
Created January 19, 2025 22:14
Sid Meier's Civilization VI Cheats
Sid Meier's Civilization VI Cheat Engine
choco-bot / Install.txt
Created January 19, 2025 22:14
gitviz v1.1 - Passed - Package Tests Results
2025-01-19 22:13:48,271 1716 [DEBUG] - XmlConfiguration is now operational
2025-01-19 22:13:48,398 1716 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'CygwinService' for type 'IAlternativeSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-01-19 22:13:48,398 1716 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'CygwinService' for type 'IInstallSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-01-19 22:13:48,398 1716 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'PythonService' for type 'IAlternativeSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-01-19 22:13:48,398 1716 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'PythonService' for type 'IListSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-01-19 22:13:48,398 1716 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'PythonService' for type 'IInstallSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-01-19 22:13:48,429 1716 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'PythonService' for type 'IUninstallSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-01-19 22:13:48,429 1716 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'RubyGemsService' for type 'IAlternativeSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-01-19 22:13:48,429 1716 [DEBUG] - Adding new typ
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Script/ScriptContext.h"
#include "Script/CoreScript.h"
#include "Script/DebuggerManager.h"
#include "Script/LuaArguments.h"
#include "Script/LuaAtomicClasses.h"
#include "Script/LuaCoreFunctions.h"
#include "Script/LuaEnum.h"
#include "Script/LuaInstanceBridge.h"
#include "Script/LuaLibrary.h"